Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2041: Surprise everywhere in life (4)

"Didn't my brother say that the negotiation has been completed, and let me sign the contract?" Tang Siqi frowned, seeing that he was deliberately embarrassing himself. "Xu Ming, I don't think we two like to see each other very much, so why not just be a little bit?"

"It turned out to be Tang Ziyi's younger sister." Xu Ming suddenly realized, closing the file, he looked at each other with cool eyes, and smiled coldly.

"I think you may have some misunderstandings about me. Regarding work matters, I will not bring personal feelings and emotions in, so there is no question of whether I like to see you. The Green Lake project does have some problems. Let’s talk a little bit more closely with each other. If you really want to cooperate, send another person over. Otherwise, please tell Mr. Tang that I will give this land to someone else."

Xu Ming stood up after speaking, in a posture that he planned to leave.

"What do you mean?" Tang Siqi looked at him a little flustered and asked.

"Literally, this business can't be discussed with you, let your brother come over."

"what are you!!"

"What am I?" When Xu Ming stopped, Xu Ming turned his head and smiled at her. "I think you can ask Tang Ziyi about this question."

No longer taking care of the people in the house, Xu Ming left directly. Gu Xiaoxiao had been standing at the door, and seeing his stern look after he came out, he knew that the matter had not been reached.

"You two know each other?"

"No, I had a fate yesterday, not very pleasant memories." Xu Ming didn't hide it, "Why did Wanhe send her over? Huangmao girl who doesn't understand anything, I don't think there is a real desire to cooperate. I'm going to talk to Yichen."

Needless to say anything else, just by looking at this Tang Siqi's dressing, she knows that she doesn't understand workplace rules at all, and she is not even a career rookie. Just like what she just said, she came to Fengyang today, really just want to sign and leave. Unfortunately, it was Xu Ming that she met.

With this attitude of Wanhe, even if Chu Yichen originally wanted to give them face, now he should think about it again.

Xu Ming came to his office and briefly talked about the matter. Chu Yichen frowned and dialed the other party's number. After being polite, Chu Yichen and Tang Zi also chatted a few words and ended the call.

"He said he would come in person."

"It's best to come here in person. The ground is in our hands. They are the people who should lower their stance."

Tang Siqi got into trouble and sat in the meeting room without moving for a long time.

It's tragic, if I let my brother know that she came here secretly, and even mixed up with the company, and disturbed the cooperation project, she would definitely be sent back to the United States...what should I do?

Leaving Fengyang Group listlessly, Tang Siqi didn't even dare to answer Tang Ziyi's call, and went straight back to the hotel.

Annoyed Xu Ming, Tang Siqi really did not expect such a result. Even more did not expect that Tang Zi would really come to City B in person...

In the Chu family mansion, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen who was ready to go, and asked curiously: "What is the origin of this Tangzi? You seem to care about this cooperation with Wanhe? I have checked Wanhe in the past two days. Information, the company is not listed."

"It's because it hasn't been listed yet, so I should be more careful." Chu Yichen picked her chin, and explained in a petting eye: "If Wanhe Group is listed, the market value will not be inferior to ours. This Tangzi has always been Acting low-key, rarely show up, this sudden appearance, I think it should be related to You Ran."

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