Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2046: Acting requires a full set (4)

Detouring to the supermarket to buy something, Xu Ming took Tang Siqi home again.

Tang Siqi was worried about Cuihu's project, so she didn't dare not agree. As soon as he entered the house, he immediately ran into the guest room and locked the door, for fear of what Xu Ming might do to him.

Xu Ming looked at her behavior, just amused. I threw the snacks I bought on the sofa in the living room and went to the study to be busy. When it came out at twelve o'clock, the thing was gone.

After a good night's sleep, I got up the next morning. After washing, Xu Ming knocked on Tang Siqi's door.

Tang Siqi appeared with a mess of hair, looking sleepily at the ready to go, he asked, "What are you doing?!"

"The password of the door is XXXXX. If you forget it, you will need the key." Xu Ming said, throwing the key to her house, "You can go out, but the car will always follow you, so you can be an extra bodyguard. At night. Come to our company at six o'clock on time and have dinner together in the evening."

"Can't you not go?"

"What do you think?"

"Good, good, I get it!"

Returning to the room impatiently, Tang Siqi listened to Xu Ming's departure and rolled around on the bed irritably.

Even to accompany him to dinner, this man is really thorough in acting. He is a veteran at first glance. He must have acted many times before.

Lazily lying in the room, Tang Siqi left the room almost ten o'clock and went to the kitchen to find food, taking advantage of Xu Ming's absence to look at his home.

I have to say that as a man's residence, it is really clean and tasteful.

The concise and atmospheric new Chinese style, free and easy atmosphere, and Xu Ming... completely different.

Tang Siqi went around the room and received a call from Li Zhike.

"Sister, where are you? Why didn't you come back last night?"

"I have something, how about your interview?"

"After that, I have to go to Paris tomorrow. When are you going by?"

"I should have been in China lately. I am not in a hurry for work. I want to stay home for a while. You should be careful when you go by yourself, keep your eyes bright, and don't make any more stubborn boyfriends, and don't be fools. Just like to pay people casually, remember?" Tang Siqi was particularly worried when he thought of Li Zhike's simple mind.

"Remember! Don't worry, I will never be deceived again."

Li Zhi could promise again and again, and then went to pack his luggage. Tang Siqi was bored by herself, and after filling her stomach, she went out.

Xu Ming was right. From the moment she went downstairs and left the community, the car kept following behind, making her dumbfounded.

After shopping and buying a lot of things, Tang Siqi appeared downstairs in Fengyang Group at 5:30.

Not wanting to see Xu Ming too early, she simply sat in the reception room on the first floor, and then sent a text message to tell him she was waiting here.

Turning to look at the cars coming and going outside, when Tang Siqi recovered, she saw someone approaching her.

"Hello, this is Gu Xiaoxiao. Last time, we met." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and said hello, and sat opposite her.

"Hello, I'm sorry last time, I don't know you are..."

"It's okay, the two of them have something to do temporarily. It is estimated that it will take about half an hour. Do you mind if I spend the time with you?"

Tang Siqi was stunned, and immediately understood. "Do you want to have dinner with you tonight?"

"Xu Ming didn't tell you?"

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