Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2049: Show me a fake tiger? (2)

"Auntie, there is no need to trouble. Because I also have a job, it would be a little inconvenient to live at home. And Xu Ming will be back tomorrow, it doesn't matter if I am alone."

He quickly refused, Tang Siqi could say good or bad, and Dai Yusheng gave up the idea of ​​picking her up. But the price is that when Xu Ming comes back, she needs to go home with him and have a meal with them.

Tang Siqi didn't take this matter to heart because she knew that Xu Ming would find a way to push it away. Although it is said that she should perform a full set of acting, she can't be too serious. After all, her appearance fee is still very expensive.

Having a pleasant day alone, Tang Siqi is in a particularly good mood. I received a call from Xu Ming the next evening. I thought he had some instructions, but he didn't expect him to ask what he wanted to eat.

After bringing her takeout, Xu Ming went straight into the study to work. Tang Siqi looked at the things on the table, then looked at the direction of the study, and shook her head helplessly.

What a real workaholic, boring.

"Xu Ming, your mother called me and let us go home to eat." Walking outside the study, Tang Siqi was eating while talking with the people inside through the door.

"I'll call and push it away later."

"I will have a party later, and I will be back later tonight."

"Okay, pay attention to safety."

Listening to Xu Ming's perfunctory tone, Tang Siqi suddenly felt a little unhappy for some reason.

"You deserve to have no girlfriend." Tang Siqi whispered and turned and left. I left the residence on time at 7:30 and went to meet at the bar scheduled with my friends.

"Eh?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at someone not far away, a little surprised, "Why did she come?"

"Who? Do you know?" Chu Xiaoxi looked around and saw a group of people. It looks like a model, so I am a little puzzled.

"Hmm." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and said in a low voice, "Well, the girl in the blue dress, have you seen it? I ate together two days ago. It is the sister of the president of the cooperative company."

Chu Xiaoxi nodded thoughtfully, and looked over there a few more times. However, she didn't care too much, and blocked Gu Xiaoxiao with her body, not wanting her to say hello in the past.

At first glance, the group of people often go clubbing. She sees a lot of the lesser-known Ono Mo, and she knows exactly what kind of behavior they are, so it is better to have less contact with such people.

Several Gu Xiaoxiao came out today to "release the wind", and they went out to play with Chu Xiaoxi, Li Youran, and Chen Jingyao, while Chu Yichen and others brought their children at home.

At ten o'clock, several people's mobile phones rang one after another. Xiang Shi smiled, and it was time to go home.

A scream in front attracted the attention of several people. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at it, and was startled.

Among the crowd, Tang Siqi held a broken wine bottle in her hand. In front of her, there was a wounded, **** man.

"Oh~" Chu Xiaoxi smiled slightly, and said jokingly: "Sure and cruel."

Tang Siqi threw away what was in her hand, and went to get other wine bottles on the table. Others quickly blocked it at first sight, but couldn't stop Tang Siqi's anger.

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!" She cursed, staring at the man with scarlet eyes, not knowing what happened.

The man brought his girlfriend and watched his boyfriend being beaten by another woman. Who could swallow this breath? As a result, the scene quickly became chaotic.

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