Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2051: Show me a fake tiger? (4)

She is now in City B, even if she and Tang Ziyi's relationship is not very good, after all, she is Tang Ziyi's sister after all. If she were to return to City S with all her injuries, it would not be a good thing for the future cooperation between the two companies.

"Are you afraid that I will cause you trouble? I met that Gu Xiaoxiao tonight, and she called you?"

"She didn't know you lived with me, and she was not the kind of person who would gossip about others casually." Xu Ming stood up straight and looked at her condescendingly. "It's not true, what can you trouble me?"

Xu Ming left after speaking, Tang Siqi stood up suddenly, picked up the pillow and slammed it on his back.

Xu Ming stopped and looked at the pillow that fell on his feet, a little annoying.

"You men are all virtues, there is no good thing!"

"Don't send the anger accumulated by other men to me." The gloomy gaze swept across her eyebrows coldly, and Xu Ming said without a trace of pity: "There are still five days left, I hope our cooperation Can continue harmoniously."

Tang Siqi was left alone in the living room, sitting down on the sofa dejectedly, thinking of everything that happened tonight, recalling that unbearable memory, tears still could not hold back.

"Son of a bitch."

With a low curse, she ran back to the room and cried happily, then took a bath and went to bed. I woke up the next day, calm and natural as if nothing had happened.

For the next three days, Tang Siqi and Xu Ming basically had no communication. I can count the words I have said with both hands, and my life is quiet.

"I went to my company at six o'clock in the evening, and I met a few friends for dinner." Xu Ming said this morning before leaving the house.

"I don't know your friend, don't go."

"So you mean, you want to eat at my house?" Xu Ming raised an eyebrow and asked, Tang Siqi was speechless.

With a long sigh, she nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, I'll go. Anyway, for the last two days, it doesn't matter if I accompany you three meals a day!"

Hope is just ahead, of course Tang Siqi has to listen to him.

At six o'clock in the evening, she appeared downstairs in the company on time, and Xu Ming was not as late as last time.

After driving, I went to dinner first. After filling their stomachs with Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen, the few moved to the destination and headed to the Imperial City Club.

I went straight upstairs to the private room on the third floor. Someone was already waiting there. Tang Siqi took a look at it. They were all strange faces, and didn't recognize any of them.

When Fu Ziheng saw Xu Ming bringing the woman over, he whistled and smiled meaningfully. Xu Ming looked over, frowned and said, "Don't make a fuss."

These few people will get together today, which can be regarded as dragging Dai Yusheng's blessing.

Xu Ming refused to take her girlfriend home, so she could only think of other ways to continue to test the relationship between the two. But Fu Ziheng and others came in handy at this time.

Tang Siqi didn't know the inside story, and just treated it as an ordinary gathering of friends. She stayed beside Xu Ming and didn't speak much. She looked very quiet and well-behaved.

Chu Xiaoxi leaned against An Chenglang's arms, looked at her, and smiled slowly.

What a kid who can pretend to be good.

"Didn't you say you want to take a vacation? Why haven't you left?" The last time Han Yi heard Xu Ming say that, it was already a month ago.

"Tickets for next Monday have already been booked."

"Listen to Aunt Yu, she is about to hold her grandson?" Fu Ziheng's sudden sentence made Tang Siqi who was drinking suddenly choke.

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