Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2055: Play games between adults, don’t take it seriously (3)

Tang Siqi knew that Xu Ming was a veteran, and knew that he was not a good person from the first time he saw him. But his skillful kissing skills and provocative skills still made her fall into it involuntarily.

It was because of the alcohol that Xu made her mind less and less clear and her thoughts more and more confused.

He kept pushing his hand, and I didn't know when he landed on the bed, and grabbed the sheet tightly.

The body became more and more weird, as if it was not his own. Tang Siqi gritted her teeth and didn't want to make herself ashamed anymore, making any noise.

Xu Ming frowned and looked at her reaction, really like a novice, not pretending.

She didn't know how to respond, how to please, and what to do to make each other more comfortable.

Xu Ming's heart stopped beating for a while, a bit regretful. But this thing has been done halfway, how can it be easily stopped by stopping?

Thinking of her two slaps, Xu Ming's eyes sank, and the anger struck again, no longer hesitating.

Gasps and groans mixed together, making the atmosphere in the room more and more ambiguous. After a long time, their bodies pressed together tightly, both of them were exhausted and fell asleep.

The morning sun hit Tang Siqi's face through the curtains, and slowly opened her eyes. The feeling of a splitting headache made her feel uncomfortable. Her body moved slightly, and she immediately opened her eyes wide, and she looked at the side stiffly.

Xu Ming's sleeping face made Tang Siqi completely awake.

None of the two under the quilt wore clothes, and it was already obvious what happened.

The memories of last night appeared intermittently in Tang Siqi's mind. She thought it was a dream, but it was obvious that she was wrong.

Tang Siqi pulled the quilt to cover her body with one hand, and covered her nose all over, her eyes red.

How could this... how could she be so drunk?

Tears fell silently, and Tang Siqi recovered from a panic for a while.

She was like an existing thief caught, just wanting to escape and crying. Climbing out of bed hurriedly, unable to find his clothes, had to go to the closet.

The sound of the cabinet being opened caused Xu Ming to wake up from his sleep. Tang Siqi rummaged through the clothes and caught his eyes. He sighed and sat up slowly.

Unexpectedly, he woke up so quickly, Tang Siqi almost crawled into the closet, only showing one face and looking at him.

Seeing her crying early in the morning is really not a happy thing for Xu Ming.

"Everyone is an adult, and you should understand the rules of the game." Xu Ming said irritably. "What happened last night is assumed to have never happened, OK?"

Tang Siqi did not speak, but cried. She was crying like a ruined girl, making Xu Ming more and more annoying.

"You don't think I will marry you after sleeping? I should have said before that you are not my food."

"Who is rare to let you marry?! Even if I can't marry in this life, even if you are the only man left in this world, I won't marry you!" Tang Siqi roared sharply, and Xu Ming nodded in satisfaction.

Getting up and getting out of bed, he casually picked up the clothes on the floor and prepared to leave.

"Asshole..." Tang Siqi's muttering voice caught his attention, looking sideways, Xu Ming took a breath.

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