Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2057: Play games between adults, don’t take it seriously (5)

Nodding, Xu Ming strode away. After returning to the office, he hesitated and dialed Tang Siqi's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Tang Siqi said that she was at the airport, and the background sound was indeed like that, Xu Ming was relieved.

"Next time I come to City B to say hello and invite you to dinner." He said politely.

"Farewell, I can't afford your meal." Tang Siqi replied earnestly: "Never see each other in this life. It's the best, what do you think?"

"Well, it makes sense."

"Then bye, I will board the plane right away."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Siqi directly shut down. She is so free and easy, Xu Ming has no reason to want to mess up. So he went to Chu Yichen, and after handing over the work on hand, he went home to pack his luggage.

A couple of weeks, a perfect breakup.

Xu Ming got on the plane to Hawaii. As long as he thought about the next six months, he would not have to go on a blind date again, and he was in a particularly good mood.

Looking bored at the magazine to pass the time, Xu Ming stopped turning the page when he saw Tang Siqi's photo.

As a model, she can only be regarded as a small celebrity, incomparable with the supermodel that appears on the covers of major fashion magazines all day long.

It is not easy for the Chinese to work hard in the European and American circles. Maybe she can have the current results, which is already very good. However, the premise of all this is when Tang Siqi does not rely on the background of her family.

To be honest, if Tang Zi also took action, even if it was a little help, Tang Siqi's development would be much better than it is now.

Is she such an ambitious person without mentioning family matters?

Xu Ming thought for a while, then closed the magazine.

What kind of person is she and what does it have to do with him? Even if he thinks about her things, he really has nothing to do, it is so boring.

After a few hours of flying time, I finally came to the resort. After officially starting his vacation, Xu Ming immediately started eating, drinking and having fun after adjusting the jet lag.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed.

From Hawaii to Bali, then to the Maldives and Dubai, Xu Ming woke up one morning and found that he actually loved work.

He hadn't seen a client for two months without negotiating, and he actually felt...a little bit empty.

Since when has he been tortured like this by Chu Yichen? Xu Ming felt incredible.

When the phone rang, Xu Ming glanced at Chu Yichen. Picking it up, he yawned and said, "I won't go back half of the holiday."

"I didn't want you to come back, but there will be a video conference with Germany in two hours. You need to help me, I want to catch a plane."

"where are you going?"

"City S."

Chu Yichen's answer made Xu Ming suddenly think of Tang Siqi. The memory of her surged up, crying and laughing, noisy.

"Go to see people from Wanhe?" Xu Ming asked after being silent for a while.

Chu Yichen smiled silently, denying, "There is not only one Wanhe in S city, I don't see Tang Ziyi, nor Tang Siqi."

"Are you free now?"

"I'm very busy." Chu Yichen wisely stopped teasing. "Don't tell me, I have sent the relevant documents to your mailbox, that's it~ Bye."

Xu Ming threw down the phone and resigned to find the computer. It's really miserable to think about it if he can't run to such a far place and work for him.

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