Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2061: The Everlasting Man (4)

"If you wait any longer, the plane will take off."

"Don't bluff me, I have a good grasp of time, so I won't be late." After glaring at him, Chu Xiaoxi understood that he would not let himself continue.

Everything that should be said was almost done, and Chu Xiaoxi obediently shut up. All the way to the airport, I didn't mention the three words Tang Siqi again.

Xu Ming escorted her through the security check and left the airport slowly. Thinking of what she had just said, he smiled thoughtfully and returned to the hotel.

Tang Siqi had been exhausted all day after traveling around, and when she returned to the hotel at night, she felt that her feet were no longer hers.

As soon as she entered the elevator, she couldn't wait to take off her high heels and hold it in her hand, thinking about what to eat later.

The elevator stopped on the eleventh floor, and she walked to her room exhausted. When opening the door, I heard the door of the next room open.

Unconsciously turned his head and glanced, Tang Siqi was dumbfounded.

"Xu Ming?" Why is this guy lingering?

"What do you mean by seeing a ghost?" Xu Ming got dressed and was about to go out. He stopped in front of her and asked.

"That's what you mean, I saw a ghost." Tang Siqi chuckled at the corners of his mouth with a smile, looked at his suit and leather shoes, and joked: "Today is playing the tricks of the overbearing president's little secretary? "

Knowing what she was thinking, Xu Ming smiled slightly. Raised her hand to mess up her scattered long hair and left.

"Go to the client and talk back."

"Who is rare to talk to you." Tang Siqi glared at his back, not believing his nonsense.

Opening the door and entering the house, she muttered to herself: "When you look for a woman, you talk about looking for a woman, and you talk about seeing customers! You are not honest at all, don't I know what virtue you are? Cut~"

Walking to the bed, Tang Siqi hurriedly fell down, not wanting to move at all.

I have to get up early tomorrow, four shows, there is no time to eat in between. She has worked very hard, but why... still can't satisfy that person? Is it really so difficult to make him happy?

Lie on the bed, Tang Siqi was lost for a long time before propped up and got up. Unintentional to go out to eat, simply ordered the hotel takeaway. After devouring the food, she took a shower and was ready to go to bed.

After setting the alarm clock at five o'clock, Tang Siqi closed her eyes and covered the quilt. But soon, she sat up abruptly and ran to the door to check if she had locked the door.

There was a gentle scum next to her, she couldn't care less!

Lying back on the bed, Tang Siqi felt puzzled.

Is there such a coincidence? You can meet him even in a hotel...

It is impossible for Xu Ming to know that she lives here, so no matter what she thinks, she can only use the word "coincidence" to explain it.

"It's okay to see you, God bless you not to have any trouble tomorrow."

Closed her eyes, Tang Siqi muttered to herself that she was really sleepy this time and fell asleep within a minute.

Xu Ming took the customer for a meal, and it was almost one o'clock in the morning when he returned.

Passing by Tang Siqi's room, he laughed at himself. I didn't expect that I actually moved here to live, if Xiao Xi's girl knew about it, I would definitely laugh to death.

Xu Ming didn't know why he came here. It's just that action takes priority over the brain, and when he starts to regret it, the room is already open.

Back in the room, Xu Ming looked at the information documents sent from China. I went to bed and rested until half past three.

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