Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2064: Nothing to be courteous (2)

Suddenly Xu Ming asked a word, Tang Siqi was looking down at something, so he didn't react, and reflexively answered.

"No. 17." Tang Siqi frowned, looking up at him with hindsight. "What are you asking this for?"

"Just ask."

Xu Ming smiled slightly. The elevator reached the floor. He took the lead to get out, walked to the front of the room and opened the door, then looked at Tang Siqi and said, "Tomorrow night, I invite you to dinner."

Tang Siqi was taken aback, seeing him enter the room, thinking he was a bit strange. But... rice is still to be eaten. Tomorrow night, we must eat back today's meal!

With the opportunity to take advantage of him, Tang Siqi felt that much of this day was passing by. After the last show, she took the initiative to call Xu Ming after changing her clothes.

"Where can I see you? What to eat?" Tang Siqi asked straightforwardly when the phone was connected.

"Just walk about five meters on the right hand side, come here."

Tang Siqi looked in the direction he was pointing, and saw a red Ferrari parked there brightly. Stepping over, she sneered when she saw that the person in the car was Xu Ming.

This man is really an "old driver". With this trick, I don't know how many women he has harmed before.

Get in the car and fasten the seat belt, Tang Siqi is not polite with him, and directly calls the name to go to a certain restaurant.

"Say it's you today, don't accept it after eating." For fear that yesterday's thing would happen again, Tang Siqi warned with lingering fears: "Dare to play with me again, I want you to look good!"

"In your eyes, I am such a stingy man?"

"In my eyes, you are..." After thinking about it, Tang Siqi still swallowed the words that had reached his lips.

He can't be said to be a shameless man, even if he does, he still has to pay.

"You are, a very elegant man."

Xu Ming smiled softly after hearing her words. What she wanted to say was all on her face, he couldn't guess it?

Tang Siqi was completely relieved when he finished dinner very happily and walked out of the restaurant. Sitting in the car enjoying the night view of Paris, she couldn't help but ask: "Why are you suddenly inviting me to dinner? Do you need my help?"

Thinking of something that happened in City B, Tang Siqi suspiciously said: "It won't be...your mother has come to Paris, right?"

"Do you want to see her?" Xu Ming asked instead.

"No, no, I don't want to." Tang Siqi shook her head repeatedly, the aunt's eyes looked at her as if she was a daughter-in-law, she couldn't bear it.

"Since I don't want to, why mention her."

"Because there is nothing to be courteous, you will steal if you are not rape. After eating your meal, I always feel weird in my heart, afraid that you have any conspiracy." Tang Siqi frankly said: "If you want to get any benefits from me, I advise You died early. You know, the company’s affairs have nothing to do with me, and I can’t help."

"I think a lot." Xu Ming joked, denying: "I just want to find someone to have a meal with, nothing else."

"That's good."

The car parked downstairs in the hotel. Tang Siqi and him went back to the room one after another. No one said anything, and never contacted again.

In a flash, the trip to Paris was all over, and it was time to return home.

This day, Tang Siqi packed up her luggage and took a taxi to the airport. After completing all the procedures, she accidentally discovered that her ticket had been upgraded.

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