"Well, I will provide you with a place to live. Recently, you have lived in City B first. Because Su Zuonan may not be free at any time, we have to cooperate with his schedule. You can come to the company when you are free, we First take some posters of your solo."

Su Zuonan's current state can only be described as a red half sky. The Asian region has almost no room for him. Fortunately, Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao are magic weapons, so Su Zuonan, the spokesperson, wants to run but can't escape. Moreover, the endorsement fee is still the one discussed in the first year, and she has not risen, so she has made a lot of money.

"I'll stay in a hotel, don't bother you."

"Don't be polite with me, I'm doing this for my own sake. You wait here, and I will arrange to come back soon."

Chu Xiaoxi worked very happily, and within five minutes, she had found a place for Tang Siqi.

When I drove to the apartment, I went upstairs and rang the doorbell. There was already a cleaning lady in the house cleaning. Tang Siqi stayed in a strange "home" like this, and when she sat on the sofa, she still didn't react.

In this way, she became a contract model of GJ, and she is also the spokesperson of the new season?

This year is obviously her birth year, how could it be so smooth? Isn't it a trap?

I found out the contract in the bag and read it carefully again, but couldn't find any loopholes. And think about it again, what can Chu Xiaoxi get from her? Who is a real celebrity daughter, what do you want, will you count her?

Impossible, never possible.

Thinking of this, Tang Siqi felt much better. After the cleaning lady left, she walked around the house and felt happy.

I thought that Chu Xiaoxi said that she would arrange a place for her to live in, at most a small single apartment, but I didn't expect the place to be so spacious.

A two-room house, about 100 square meters, is enough for her to live alone. This kind of treatment is absolutely unavailable in other companies.

Tang Siqi spent the next week busy. I go out early and return late every day, even my birthday is forgotten.

I stayed up late last night and rested today. Tang Siqi slept more than ten o'clock all night and found that there were several missed calls.

Looking at the screen of the phone with one eye closed, he went back home first.

"Mom, why did you call me in the morning?" She asked in a daze. After hearing the answer from the other party, she was a little awake.

"Oh, I know, I'll eat in a while." Sitting up and scratching her hair, Tang Siqi said coquettishly: "Okay, I know, I'm a bit busy recently, so I can't go home with you. Next time I go back to buy you gifts. good or not?"

After chatting and throwing away the phone, Tang Siqi went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, and sighed.

"One year older, when will you make one hundred million?"

Tang Siqi was in a bad mood when he thought of Haikou, which he once praised.

I didn't plan to go out. After washing, I walked into the kitchen, found two eggs and boiled some noodles, which was regarded as my birthday.

Staying at home until more than seven o'clock in the evening, Tang Siqi was in a mixed mood and lost.

In fact, it's not the first time I celebrate my birthday alone, but my heart is empty and uncomfortable.

Xu Ming's call made Tang Siqi stunned. He took the phone hesitantly, and answered when the other party was about to give up.

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