Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2083: The murder caused by the junior third (4)

Tang Siqi was not angry, so she simply used all her strength to push him down, and then pushed him up.

"Oh~" Xu Ming got cheaper and still behaved, "I didn't see it, it turns out that you are such an active person."

"I don't know that I have a bad mouth. I'm talking about people like you!"

Tang Siqi bit the corner of his mouth mercilessly. Leaning on him, with his hands around his neck, Tang Siqi's mouth raised slightly, and she was in a good mood.

A charming room, lingering for a long time, the two embraced and fell asleep, and Tang Siqi was woken up by a phone call the next morning.

After hearing what the other party said, she instantly awoke.

"I'll go back soon!"

She got up in a panic looking for clothes. Xu Ming saw her panicking and asked, "What's wrong?"

"My mother fainted and was hospitalized. The doctor said he would have an operation. My dad asked me to go back.

"I see you off."

The two arrived at the airport as quickly as possible and booked the latest flight to S city.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Touching her head, Xu Ming calmed down softly, "Get off the plane and call me."

"Okay, got it."

Tang Siqi nodded and hurried to the security checkpoint. After spending a few hours anxiously, after Xu Ming was safe, he immediately took a taxi to the hospital.

Soon after the operation, the person is now in the intensive care unit for observation.

Standing in the corridor of the hospital, Tang Siqi cried with a sore nose.

When did Liu Peibai get sick? She didn't notice it at all, how could it suddenly become so serious?

"Miss, you just got off the plane, let's go back first, and come back at night."

"No Aunt Wang, I'll stay here for a while." Tang Siqi shook her head and refused, looking at the ground with teary eyes. Although she can't see Liu Peibai, she also wants to stay here.

"Is my dad on a business trip?"

"Master went back after the operation. He should be at home now."

"What about my brother?"

"Master...I don't know."

"You go back, Aunt Wang." Tang Siqi was a little disappointed and sent people away. After standing there for a long time, she was still calm.

After taking a taxi back home, she saw Tang Ziyi's car passing by as soon as she reached the gate.

After entering the room, Tang Siqi looked around, but did not see his figure, so she sat on the sofa and waited.

The servant had already prepared the food, Tang Siqi sat beside Tang Ziyi a little restrained, and felt very satisfied listening to him and his father talking about the company from time to time.

"Brother, will you stay at home tonight?" Tang Siqi couldn't help but ask, expecting.

"No, I'll leave right away, something?"

"It's okay, just... It's been a long time since I saw you, I miss you a little bit."

"Oh, I see."

Knowing a sentence that is neither salty nor indifferent makes people unable to hear his emotions.

He has always been like this to Tang Siqi, saying that he is indifferent, but Tang Siqi doesn't think it is. Because compared with outsiders, he treats himself well.

Since childhood, she has been chasing behind his ass. When he was happy, he looked back at her and slowed down. When he was upset, he simply didn't even want to give her a look in his eyes.

But even so, Tang Siqi still liked him.

No way, he is her brother. Even if they are half-parents, they cannot deny this fact.

Tang Zi was also ready to leave after eating. Tang Siqi sent all the way to the door and watched his car leave. When he finally saw nothing, he returned to the house reluctantly.

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