Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2094: Their relationship is not so good (5)

"It doesn't hurt or it hurts... Oh, don't come over, I'm going to die soon!"

Tang Siqi struggled to escape from Xu Ming, ran out of bed and went to the living room. After playing the game, he returned to the room slowly.

Looking at Xu Ming who was dissatisfied on the bed, Tang Siqi smiled and leaned over.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous?" Tang Siqi smiled and said, "I have upgraded!"

"Is the charm of the game bigger than me?" Xu Ming asked her unconvincedly. In order to play the game, he didn't even look at him directly. He hadn't received such treatment.

"The two have different meanings, so don't worry about it, okay?" Tang Siqi smiled, "Compare yourself with the game, are you stupid?"

"Then you are going to tell me, what does the game mean to you, and what does it mean to you."

Xu Ming dragged her into his arms and hugged her firmly.

"Really want to know?" Tang Siqi turned to look at him and asked, after seeing him nodding seriously, she thought for a while.

"For me, games are a way to pass time. And you..." The voice paused for a moment, Tang Siqi continued: "Perhaps, it is another way to pass time."

Xu Ming frowned upon hearing this answer.

It's all killing time, is it really different?

"I thought I was in your heart, it would be more important." Xu Ming looked at her with a grimace and said, "At least compared with games, it is by no means comparable."

"You want to put yourself and the game together, so you can't blame me." Tang Siqi smiled and squeezed his face, "Well, go take a bath and sleep. I have to get up early in the morning on the plane."

Xu Ming got up obediently, and after washing well, he returned to attend bedtime.

When he got on the bed and put his arms around her, Xu Ming brought up the topic just now and wanted to continue it.

"Baby, what do you think of me now?"

The corner of Tang Siqi's mouth twitched, and she rolled her eyes to see the hand he was dangling on her chest.

"You do this kind of hooliganism, still want me to think?"

"I'm helping you. Knead it more and it will make it bigger." Xu Ming asked for credit, "Don't you think your **** are a little bigger than before?"

"No." Tang Siqi categorically said: "I just think that your face is a little bigger than before."

Xu Ming chuckled and did not give up. "You will be away for nearly half a month this time, I will miss you."

"I won't miss you. If you are busy with work, ten days will pass in a blink of an eye. There is no time to think about other things."

"I'm so sure, aren't you afraid of slaps in the face?" Xu Ming is more confident in himself, "If you want me, you can call me, maybe I will come and pick you up."

"Forget it, young master, you are too expensive, I can't afford it." Tang Siqi shook his head and refused. "I'm in Milan this time, maybe more than half a month. Several companies over there are also contacting me, so I have to see."

"How long will it take to come back?" Xu Ming asked unhappy after hearing this.

"If you don't say it, if you really reach a cooperation, it will be possible in one month. Xiao Xi's work here has been completed, and the work there is not in conflict with GJ's contract, so I have no reason to refuse. This Xiao Xi also knows the matter, and she agrees."

"Xiao Xi also knows, so you didn't just decide this matter. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

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