Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2098: She is hiding from him (4)

"Is it really expensive?" Li Zhike was silent for a while, and asked carefully. After seeing Tang Siqi nodding her head, she went away too.

"What to do..." Panicked, Li Zhike asked tentatively: "Sister, do you really like him? How much do you like him?"

"I want to marry him."

As soon as Tang Siqi's voice fell, Li Zhike stood up all of a sudden.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Marry him? That's not like, that's love!"

"I just had this idea." Tang Siqi shrank her neck and denied, "I just feel that if we can marry him, the days to come will be very fresh and happy."


Li Zhike looked at the small eyes that Tang Siqi longed for when he said this, and he was full of these three words.

It's over. It's over.

Tang Siqi has been living strong and tolerant in recent years, even if she meets a man who looks right, she will consider it again and again, and treat it with a particularly calm attitude. But now, not only did she hurt herself for a man, she even began to dream about her married life with that man...!

Li Zhike took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. Even if she doesn't have enough IQ, she still has to stay calm as much as possible.

"Sister, what are you worried about now?" Li Zhike sat down again and talked with her again. "I'm worried that he promises to marry you, and then there are other women out there? He should know your identity? If so, he must not dare!"

"I didn't think so far. I'm not happy. It's purely because I found that I like him far more than he loves me. I think that after I return to China this time, we will almost be separated. I am sad. , I'm sorry for being disappointed again."

Li Zhi could hug her as hard as he could, with a cry of comfort in his voice. "It doesn't matter, you will meet better, and you will definitely meet better."

After staying in the room for a while, the two decided to go out and have a good meal.

Tang Siqi's cell phone rang as soon as she closed the car door. Look at it with doubts, she was taken aback when she saw Xu Ming's number.

It's early morning in China at this time, right? What did he find himself for?

Picking up hesitantly, Tang Siqi frowned and asked, "Why are you calling so late?"

"I'm at the airport, come and pick me up."

"What?!" Tang Siqi's eyes zoomed in instantly, "What airport, which airport?"

"Malpensa Airport." Xu Ming told her clearly. "I know you are off today, don't deny it, come here."

Xu Ming's words carried a trace of domineering that could not be rejected by anyone. He even hung up the phone after he finished speaking without waiting for Tang Siqi's answer.

Tang Siqi stared at the phone screen in a daze, and then panicked to tell the driver to turn around and go to the airport.

Li Zhike was confused on the side. After learning what had happened, she clenched her teeth and told herself that she was going to the battlefield. She had to be careful of the enemy to protect Tang Siqi.

The car drove quickly to the airport, and Tang Siqi sat in the car in a mixed mood.

How could he come to Milan? Why come? Why should you let yourself pick it up?

There were many doubts in my mind. After arriving at the airport, Tang Siqi pulled the aggressive Li Zhike towards the airport.

Called and asked about the location of Xu Ming. As expected, it was a VIP lounge.

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