Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2100: Good gathering and scattered (1)

Entering the room, Tang Siqi was pulled directly upstairs by Xu Ming. Li Zhike originally wanted to stop, but after seeing Xu Ming's solemn expression, he gave up.

Tang Siqi felt the anger on Xu Ming, but she didn't understand why he was so.

Entering the room and closing the door, Tang Siqi's body was pushed against the door. He is not weak, and Tang Siqi's back hurts a bit.

Looking at Xu Ming a little annoyed, Tang Siqi couldn't help but ask: "If you have anything to say, what do you mean?"

"I want to ask you what you mean." Xu Ming looked at her with gloomy eyes, and his mood was extremely gloomy. "Hidden, I hid in Milan, where are you going to go next?!"

Tang Siqi's eyes flashed, her conscience was guilty, and she bluntly denied: "When did I hide from you? I came to Milan for work. Didn't I make it clear to you from the beginning? You agreed with me to go!"

"Apart from agreeing, do I have any other choice?" Xu Ming sneered, "Work? What international supermodel or Hollywood star are you? As for being so busy that you don't even have time to make a phone call every day? You say you are busy, So what's going on today? You obviously rested today, but you didn't even send a message. Is there still a boyfriend like me in your heart?"

Xu Ming's words were particularly awkward, and his tone of questioning Tang Siqi was even somewhat disdainful. But all the anger was suppressed by the last question he asked.

"How did you know that I was off today?" Tang Siqi asked instead.

"As long as I want to know, you can know where you are, who you meet, and what you eat every day."

"So you came to Milan today to ask me why I didn't contact you, or to satirize me that an unknown little model can be so busy?"

Tang Siqi stared at him with cold eyes, and calmed down inexplicably.

"I did take a rest today, and I have no plan to contact you. You are indeed my boyfriend, but you are not all of me. I have my own life with my own friends, and I occasionally want to relax. Is there any problem? ?"

Xu Ming was speechless when Tang Siqi asked, because she was right.

Neither she nor him are the ones who have to get tired of being with each other every night after making boyfriend and girlfriend friends. The women Xu Ming had broken up before were also impatient because they were too clingy. Who would have thought that there would be such a day when he would be anxious about a woman not contacting him?

Xu Ming's slightly startled expression is really rare. It is a pity that Tang Siqi lowered his eyes and saw nothing, including the flickering loss in his eyes.

"Xu Ming, do you know that I am with you, it's actually quite tiring."

The hand on the door panel slowly retracted, Xu Ming stood up straight, a little shocked by her words.

"Am I making you tired?"

"No, it's my own problem." Tang Siqi denied with a strong smile. "You are too good, too dazzling. I will always involuntarily lean towards you, but always involuntarily be stabbed by your light. You are too perfect, and I, just like you just said That way, it’s not an international supermodel, nor a Hollywood star. I even struggled for 100 million, and I didn’t earn it for so many years."

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