Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2133: Pit Girl Little Expert (4)

"I know what's the matter between you and him?" Tang Zi also looked at Tang Siqi, who was about to be incoherent. The two were not of the same level, so there was no pressure to tease. "You two, what's the matter?"

Tang Siqi was speechless, took a step back, looking at him incredibly speechless.

Yes, that's right. She did not personally admit that she was with Xu Ming, but he had already guessed it? What is this attitude now?

"It's a rare visitor at home, don't mess around."

Tang Zi also stepped forward, and when passing by Tang Siqi, he raised his hand and rubbed her hair. This move made Tang Siqi froze in place like a wooden man after he walked far away.

Abnormal, Tang Zi is too abnormal today.

Tang Siqi returned to the room, unwilling to go downstairs. In the end, Liu Peibai sent someone up to call her, and she appeared in front of those people unwillingly.

Xu Ming glanced at her and Tang Ziyi, and smiled without a trace.

Although it is not clear what moves Tang Shao will have next, he will definitely stand out for Tang Siqi today, Xu Ming is still certain of this.

"Mr. Xu, Xiao Xiao, long time no see." Tang Siqi smiled awkwardly after taking her seat, and greeted the two unnaturally.

She chose a location far away from Xu Ming, right next to Liu Peibai.

"Qiqi, you and Mr. Xu also know each other?" Liu Peibai asked in surprise.

"Well, I have seen it a few times in City B. I have eaten with them with my brother before." Tang Siqi nodded silently and replied in a small voice.

The food was on the table, and several people started to move their chopsticks. Because this is the first time Tang Ziyi has invited people to come home, Liu Peibai must be more enthusiastic. She didn't know what happened between these people, and she didn't know what Tang Ziyi would say next.

Eating and chatting, Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes kept walking on the faces of Tang Ziyi and Xu Ming.

Why don't these two make any moves? She is already full. Is this an ordinary meal? No, absolutely impossible.

Finally, when Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't eat anymore and planned to completely give up the chopsticks in his hand, Tang Zi also spoke.

"Next month on the 2nd, it will be my sister's engagement banquet. I hope that the two of you can come to attend.

"Puff!" Tang Siqi spewed out a sip of juice. She hurriedly wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, covering her cough.

What engagement feast, whose engagement feast? !

Liu Peibai was also confused. She looked at Tang Siqi and didn't speak.

Besides Kiki, does he have any other sisters?

The eyes of several people fell on Tang Siqi's body, and after her breath calmed down a little, Tang Zi also continued to speak.

"This matter has just been settled, and the target is Gu's family. You should all understand it."

Gu Jia... Tang Siqi's brain was running fast, and Gu Sirui's face appeared in her mind.

Tang Zi also asked her to marry Gu Sirui? That super sweet carrot that is more carefree than Xu Ming?

The pit girl also has a limit, if she continues to play like this, she will be broken!

Just as Tang Siqi wanted to say something, someone under the table kicked her. Looking in that direction, is it... Gu Xiaoxiao?

Looking at Tang Siqi, Gu Xiaoxiao smiled irrelevantly, and shook her head without a trace, and signaled her not to talk nonsense.

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