Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2140: Whoever robs his woman is the enemy (6)

After a short silence, Xu Ming answered her question.

"I am your boyfriend."

"Once." Tang Siqi helped him improve the answer, and then joked. "My brother did this for my own good. Even if you don't want to admit it, you can't deny that this is the truth. I am not a man and I will not take over the family business. Marry a reliable person and complete a reliable and stable marriage. , This is the only way for every woman, and I am no exception."

"You mean that Gu Sirui is a more reliable person than me. What you want is a married life with him?"

Xu Ming thinks what she said is ridiculous. Who knows, Gu Sirui has much more lace news than him.

"Whether Brother Sirui is more reliable than you, now I dare not jump to conclusions. But one thing I can be sure of is that if I marry him, I will live well. If I want love from anyone No, why should I embarrass myself? Isn't it the best choice to make myself more comfortable?"

Tang Siqi believes that she is not alone. There are many women in this world like her, who have longed for the so-called love.

White wedding dress, holy hall. Love and marriage are the most beautiful existence for every woman. But in the end, they all chose to compromise.

Everyone can only choose the same bread and milk, the one they like best.

"Besides, the time I spent with Brother Si Rui was relatively short, maybe I will really fall in love with him in the future, maybe." Tang Siqi smiled pretentiously, turned her head, and met Xu Ming again. . "So don't be too entangled, you don't want me as a woman, are you? Go back to City B, don't ask about me and Gu Sirui again. Xu Ming, the two of us can really end here. ."

Two of them, it can be over.

Tang Siqi said these words lightly and calmly, making Xu Ming's heart hurt suddenly as if it had been hit hard by something.

He didn't speak immediately, but seriously felt this kind of feeling that he had never felt before, until he felt a little more comfortable, and he didn't have to speak so hard.

"What if I say, I don't want to end?"

"Why are you?" Tang Siqi frowned, "Twisted melons are not sweet!"

"Even if you are a melon, you should belong to me. Where did Gu Sirui come from?" Xu Ming said with disdain, "The one who robbed me is my enemy. The engagement banquet of the two of you, who in this life Don't even think about it."

After saying this, Xu Ming started the car, which surprised Tang Siqi.

"Where are you going?!"

"You'll know when you arrive."

Xu Ming drove very fast, scenes of scenery outside the window all flashed by, Tang Siqi's heart hung in the air, after the car stopped, she looked at the building outside the window, her heart was broken into scum. Scum.


It's already this time, he didn't even forget to sleep with her! !

what is this? Break up I cannon?

Tang Siqi's whole person was about to explode, but Xu Ming got out of the car like a okay person, walked around her, and opened the car door.

Tang Siqi squinted at him, if his eyes could kill people, he would have no idea how many deaths.

"Xu Ming, I found that you are really shameless!" Tang Siqi couldn't bear it anymore. "You don't have anything else in your mind except the thing on the bed, right?"

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