Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2159: Let's get married (1)

"Because he may be your fiancé, you should go for whatever reason you want."

"Brother!" Tang Siqi didn't know if he was teasing, because the expression on his face was too serious.

"I have left beforehand, and remember to pick him up tomorrow afternoon."

Tang Zi also told her the arrival time of Gu Sirui's plane and left in a hurry. Tang Siqi reluctantly watched him go away, and after thinking about going, he arrived at the airport the next day.

Gu Sirui was very happy to see her. He didn't seem to care about the scandal between her and Xu Ming, and he didn't even ask her personally, which made Tang Siqi always feel ashamed.

"There is a banquet in the evening, do you want to attend?"

Hearing Gu Sirui's question, Tang Siqi shook her head quickly.


She is in City B now, and someone will tell Xu Ming when she shows up on that occasion. Not to mention, she was with Gu Sirui.

"I'm so happy to refuse, but I will be hit." Gu Sirui smiled bitterly, "Don't forget it, I don't make it difficult for you. But you have to accompany me to dinner tomorrow."

"Yes, this is okay." Tang Siqi nodded hehe, she was thinking of finding an opportunity to clarify the words with Gu Sirui, but the situation happened like this, she hadn't personally apologized to him yet.

After driving Gu Sirui to the hotel, Tang Siqi returned home in a good mood. She thought that no one knew about her coming to City B, especially when she went to the airport to pick up Gu Sirui. But she didn't expect that when she woke up, the development trend of things was beyond her control.

A love triangle of riches and grievances, who is a pair with whom?

With the hot news headline, the scared Tang Siqi immediately became sober after looking at the phone. She doesn't need to read the detailed content, she can guess it just by looking at the title, it must be related to herself.

Touching the news with trembling fingers, Tang Siqi looked at the pictures, and his mind went blank.

The picture of her standing with Gu Sirui at the airport yesterday has been fixed in the picture. The paparazzi's abilities are so great that Tang Siqi especially wants to see who this is with her.

How can she explain this kind of thing?

Holding the phone in a daze for a few seconds, Tang Siqi quickly jumped out of bed, freshened and changed, and drove straight to Fengyang Group.

When the heroine appears in the gossip incident, it must be paid attention to. Tang Siqi was onlookers all the way and came to the door of Xu Ming's office.

Raising his hand and knocking twice, Tang Siqi didn't wait for any reaction from the people inside, so he pushed the door directly in.

Xu Mingzheng lowered his head to process the documents, raised his eyes to see who the uninvited person was, and did not say anything, as if he hadn't seen her, he continued to do his own work.

Tang Siqi saw that he was angry, closed the door a few steps and walked in front of him, slapped her hands on the table, and asked, "Do you want to get married?"

The place to be signed was blocked by Tang Siqi. Xu Ming pulled out the document, and after signing his name, he looked up at her unhurriedly.

"Who to marry."

"Me!" Tang Siqi answered naturally, "Is there anyone besides me!"

Xu Ming chuckled slightly, and Tang Siqi's heart fluttered. "You never asked Gu Sirui about this sentence?"

"I didn't! I picked him up at the airport yesterday, yes, but you can't get me wrong because of this."

"Then you are going to talk about it, besides this matter, is there anything else that is worthy of my misunderstanding?"

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