Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2164: Let's get married (6)

I lowered my head and kissed her blushing lips, feeling like never before.

married. This strange mood tied the two together, making them both a little excited, a little excited, and a little disturbed.

With entangled lips and teeth, Xu Ming slowly let her go after a long time. He raised his head slightly and looked at her at close range. He looked at her with a serious and serious expression, and said quietly, "I gave everything you wanted. Can you feel at ease by my side now?"

Tang Siqi grasped his clothes and moved slightly, biting the corner of her lips, looking aside uncomfortably.

Reaching out and pushing Xu Ming down from her body, pulling a side quilt to cover her body, Tang Siqi thought for a while and whispered: "I always think you will regret the day. You should not be with your family when we get married. Has anyone discussed it?"

"No, do you think this kind of thing needs to be discussed with them?"

If Dai Yusheng knew that the two of them had received the certificate, Xu Ming would not have dared to imagine what he would be happy like. How many days will the firecrackers be put on? How far will the news go? Not only here, but also in Nanjing.

Marriage is equal to proud. Xu Ming doesn't know when it started. These two things have already been equated. No matter who he was with, even if his marriage partner was not Tang Siqi but other women, the Xu family would not say anything but nodding their heads in applause. And all of this was given by those of the Chu family.

"As for regret, I don't think so. I said I would consider marrying you. Obviously, I have considered it clearly now."

Touching her hair, Xu Ming talked to her slowly.

"I don't want to quarrel with you, and I don't want you to fight with me. From now on you are mine, I am yours, we don't interfere with each other's work, like living together in the previous few months, is this bad? "

The time they lived together has unknowingly become a very good memory. This is true for Xu Ming, and even more so for Tang Siqi.

"Or do you think that the person who will really regret it is you? Regret that you did not get the first step and did these things with Gu Sirui."

"What's the good thing about your Tis Rui brother?"

"Brother Sirui..." Xu Ming repeated her address to Gu Sirui, secretly unhappy.

He is not familiar with S City, but he also knows that Tang Siqi and Gu Sirui's previous relationship must be better than himself. Even if there is a Tangzi who comes to fight for favor with him, he can't say anything. Now there is another Brother Si Rui, how can he continue to lower his head and regress?

"Guess what look on your face would be if your brother Sirui knew that you had passed me now?" Xu Ming asked with a smirk, giving Tang Siqi a bad feeling.

"What do you want to do?" Tang Siqi asked nervously, grabbing the body he wanted to leave.

"The good news must be shared with everyone. Since you value this Gu Siri so much, we must let him know about our marriage."

Xu Ming stood up while speaking, and quickly took the phone and found out Gu Sirui's number.

Tang Siqi was not wearing any clothes, she rushed to stop Xu Ming embarrassedly, but in the end he succeeded.

The photo of the marriage certificate was successfully sent to Gu Sirui's phone by Xu Ming. Tang Siqi was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that he was such a naive person.

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