Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2177: If you love me, it is the best ending (12)

"Marry me, do you regret it?"

Xu Ming asked such a question softly, and Tang Siqi shook his head after listening.

"No regrets." She replied firmly.

"How does it feel to be with me?"

"You seem a little weird today." Tang Siqi raised her head and looked at him, wondering why he suddenly asked such a question. However, she considered it seriously and answered.

"It feels a little fresh, a little happy, a little happy, a little uneasy."

Tang Siqi couldn't use words to describe what kind of feeling it was. It was like a child found his own magic castle, and a singer found his own stage.

With Xu Ming, Tang Siqi experienced unprecedented happiness. The wound in my heart has been healed unconsciously. He was the doctor who cured her, but he didn't know if it was the murderer who injured her again.

"Xu Ming, do you regret marrying me?" Tang Siqi asked cautiously, clutching his shirt with his fingers.

"Of course not." Xu Ming tightened his hands and pressed his chin against her head. "On the contrary, I am very fortunate that I forced you to marry me that day, and I am looking forward to the arrival of our children."

"Then do you want a son or a daughter."

"It doesn't matter, I won't only give birth to this one anyway."

Tang Siqi blushed, unexpectedly he would answer so calmly. "Just give birth to this one, who will give you a second one!"

Xu Ming smiled softly, kissed her forehead, and sat up.

"Go downstairs to eat, and then go to Xiao Xi's place."

Xu Ming turned to look for clothes, Tang Siqi looked at his back in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

"Why are you going to Xiaoxi? Did she call me? Do you want to shoot in the afternoon? In a hurry, or let's go over now!"

When it comes to Chu Xiaoxi, Tang Siqi thinks all about work. Xu Ming didn't look back, he was already changing clothes.

"Go try the wedding dress."

Before leaving the room, he left such a sentence, making Tang Siqi stunned again.

Wedding dress... she heard it right?

Looking down at the ring in her hand, Tang Siqi seemed to think of something, but she couldn't believe it.

Get up quickly and tidy up. After going downstairs to fill up their stomachs, the two went out.

Along the way, Tang Siqi was looking at the expression on Xu Ming's face. He doesn't look different at all in peacetime, so Tang Siqi is even more dare not to be sure of what he thinks.

The car arrived at the destination, the GJ Asia regional headquarters, Chu Xiaoxi set up an office building in City B.

The familiar one got into the elevator and went upstairs. When the two of them arrived, Chu Xiaoxi was unpacking the clothes.

"You are here! Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon!" Looking back at the two of them, Chu Xiaoxi said in excitement, "Siqi, come and see, do you like it?!"

Tang Siqi walked over, stood beside Chu Xiaoxi, looked at the wedding dress she was holding, and nodded hesitantly.

I like it, of course I like it. Who wouldn't like such a beautiful wedding dress?

"Go, let's try it!"

Pulling Tang Siqi into the fitting room, Chu Xiaoxi winked Xu Ming and asked him to wait here.

When he came to another room, Tang Siqi reached out to stop Chu Xiaoxi from trying to pick her clothes.

"Stop, stop, wait a minute!" She lowered her voice. "This is for me?"

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