Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2180: If you love me, it is the best ending (15)

"Mom, why are you crying?" Tang Siqi hurriedly asked, looking at Liu Peibai's red eyes. He stretched out his hand and wiped her tears, and asked, "Are you unhappy? Or is it unwell?"

"It's nothing, but you are going to marry, Mom is a little bit reluctant."

Liu Pei pursed his lips and shook his head.

"Kiki, you know, mom only has one daughter. Your brother...he is still not my biological son, and he is not so close to me. Mom only has you, only you."

Liu Peibai muttered to himself and repeated the three words "only you" several times, which made Tang Siqi's nose sour.

"Mom, when I'm not at home, did my brother treat you badly?" she asked Liu Peibai in a low voice, a little worried.

"That's not it. You know your brother. If he doesn't look at anyone, no matter how good or rich the other person is, he won't take a second look. He is often away from home and we don't see each other often, so I always feel It will be a little alienated."

Tang Zi also gave people a cold feeling, not only Liu Peibai felt this way, even Tang Siqi, who had been cheeky behind his **** for so many years, knew it.

The Tang family's business is basically under the control of Tang Zi now. Liu Peibai has always been somewhat afraid of her stepson, even if she is an elder, she shouldn't have such thoughts.

But sometimes in the dead of night, she still couldn't help thinking, if Tangzi was also her biological son, it would be great. She doesn't have to have so many scruples, she can see him anytime when she wants to see him, and when she wants him to come back for dinner, she won't hesitate to call.

Tang Qiming had no intention of having another child with her. With the daughter of Tang Siqi, Liu Peibai did not think about having another son or grabbing the right to inherit the company. Now that people are getting older, her only idea is to let Tang Siqi marry a good family. The relationship between her and Tang Ziyi can also be relaxed.

Tang Siqi chatted with her for a long time, and Liu Peibai's mood improved a lot.

"Qiqi, mom can only tell you these things, don't have any mental burdens, mom has always been fine at home, and your dad and your brother have not treated me badly."

"Ok, I know."

Tang Siqi smiled bitterly, how could she not understand her difficulties.

Tang Siqi regrets a bit. She should have thought of these things a long time ago. Why did she have to stay with Tang Zi for so many years outside, while ignoring Liu Peibai, who has been waiting at home alone and unaccompanied?

Money, the most important thing the Tang family lacks, I am afraid it is money. She has been away from home for so many years for money, and it is ridiculous to think about it now.

"Mom, even if I get married, I can still go home often to accompany you. Maybe I will go back more often than before, so you must not be sad."

There is no need to discuss with Xu Ming, Tang Siqi knows that Xu Ming will definitely have no objection to returning to her family. He has no other harm in addition to being a little bit more sexual and domineering.

After finishing my mood, the next step is the wedding.

The day before the wedding, the empty villa welcomed many guests. Many relatives and friends of the Tang family came from S City. What surprised Tang Siqi most was that Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi also came.

"So what are we doing? You are not welcome?" Chu Xiaoxi looked at Tang Siqi's dazed appearance, and asked with a smile.

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