Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2184: If you love me, it is the best ending (19)

"Who do you love?"

Tang Siqi turned her face sideways and asked knowingly. "Speak clearly and we will continue to talk."

"I love you."

Xu Ming doesn't evade this question, he feels that he has acted clearly enough. Even when deciding to marry Tang Siqi, he was not so sure in his heart. But once some things happen, the purest and most fundamental thoughts in the heart will spread out little by little.

His liking for Tang Siqi has exceeded his imagination. That's more than I like, what will it be?

Xu Ming has already passed the age of an innocent teenager. When dealing with a relationship, he is very clear whether he is playing and whether he has any thoughts about it.

For Tang Siqi, perhaps the two didn't get along so pleasantly at first. He also admitted that he wanted to tease her when he proposed to be with her at the beginning, but God is playing tricks like this. Xu Ming never thought about it. He would fall in love with a woman who slapped him as soon as they met, and he is also looking forward to having more children with her.

Tang Siqi pursed her red lips, unable to hide the smile at the corner of her mouth. This is the most beautiful love story. Who wouldn't want to listen to it?

"You love me, and I can't give you three children."

Tang Siqi quickly figured it out in her heart. It is impossible for her to spend three consecutive years in pregnancy and childbirth. If she wants to be less stressful, the two children must be at least three years apart. That is, in the next ten years, she will have to revolve around her three children. This is a terrible thing, she dare not think about it again.

"We can talk about this slowly."

Xu Ming is a smart person, but he doesn't scare Tang Siqi away all at once. I'm coming to Japan for a long time, so the issue of giving birth can not be mentioned at any time?

"Wife, I like Xiao Ranran from Yichen's family. We gave birth to a son and tricked her over. What do you think?"

Xu Ming just finished solving the major events of his life, and went to Zhang Luo for his son, making Tang Siqi dumbfounded.

"Does Chu Yichen know about your idea of ​​beating someone's daughter?" Tang Siqi disliked him too much, pushed him, and said: "Furthermore, how old is Ranran? How can I look at our hairy boy? "

"That's not necessarily true. It's not all popular nowadays for sisters and brothers. Maybe when Ranran grows up, she likes younger than herself?"


Tang Siqi couldn't help laughing out loud, and she couldn't stand him as a lunatic.

She sat up and wanted to change her dress. I have been wearing it for a long time, and my stomach is a little uncomfortable.

As soon as Tang Siqi stood up, Xu Ming immediately hugged her again.

"What are you doing?" Tang Siqi didn't struggle, tilted her head slightly, watching him ask.

"You haven't responded to me yet."

"What is going back to you?" Tang Siqi was a little confused.

Xu Ming did not speak, but looked at her intently. Tang Siqi tried hard to think about the topics they had just talked about, but didn't want to understand what he meant. In the end, Xu Ming kindly reminded her that she suddenly realized.

"Naive..." Tang Siqi frowned lightly, a little embarrassed.

He said love her, and waited for her to reply him. When did he become so naive?

Xu Ming was still waiting eagerly for her to speak. After Tang Siqi looked at him for a while, she was helpless and grateful.

Turning around and hugging him, Tang Siqi took the initiative to embrace him.

"I love you."

He spoke softly and said what he wanted to hear, Tang Siqi did not hesitate.

She thanked God for letting her meet Xu Ming and meeting this man who would let her no longer be afraid to face love and face marriage.

Everyone is always injured from birth. Physically, mentally. But one day people will find that they believe that the ugly scars left on them will one day become the driving force for them to move forward.

When it comes to love, everyone is the same. You can fool others, but you can't fool yourself. And as long as you work hard, and you have the ability to love yourself and others, the person who is truly right will not be far from appearing.

Tang Siqi is like this. She also hopes that all the friends around her will be as lucky as her and meet the person who belongs to her...

[The story of Xu and Tang is coming to an end here, thank you babies for persisting in seeing here. Next, we will solve the major events in Han Yi's life. He is a policeman. What kind of CP do you want me to match him? 】

[There are still many babies who leave messages saying they want to see Tang Shao Tang Ziyi’s story, I want to say... Tang Shao’s story has already begun, "One Kiss Addiction: President, be reserved! "This is Dayou's new book, and it is also dedicated to Tang Shao. Han Yi’s story has nothing to do with the Tang family. Babies don’t have to worry about watching the string, so if you want to see Tang Shao, go to the new book to report it~]

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