Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 400: Don't want to know if I love you or not?

"Yichen." Chu Yichen finally let go, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a little breath, her face flushed.

"Huh?" The tips of her nose touched each other, and Chu Yichen kissed her lips once and then asked: "What's wrong?"

"You go take a bath."

"Okay, go take a bath." Chu Yichen agreed happily. "What are you doing after taking a shower?"

"go to bed."

"What about before going to bed?" Chu Yichen teased her in a lazy tone with Gu Xiaoxiao. "Not going to do anything more?"

Gu Xiaoxiao pressed her red lips tightly and said nothing. Chu Yichen didn't care much, and continued to speak for himself.

"Baby, it's been a long time since I took a bath together, don't you want to?"

"Chu Yichen, you drank too much." Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, not daring to touch his scorching gaze.

"Did you drink too much? Then you ask me questions, don't you just talk truth after drinking?" The soft kiss moved along the corner of her lips to the tip of her nose, and Chu Yichen just refused to let her go easily. "It's rare to drink too much, I want to know what to ask now."

What do you want to know?

Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously and shook her head. She seems to have nothing to know now.

"So good?" Chu Yichen tilted her head and kissed her all the way to the base of her ears, to Gu Xiaoxiao's sensitive area. Feeling the trembling of her body, Chu Yichen smiled and asked: "Don't you want to know how much your husband has?"

"The media reported about your net worth, and I knew it when I came to Fengyang for my internship." Gu Xiaoxiao reflexively reached out to push him, but he grabbed his hand and held it in his palm.

"More than that, how can I be honest with the media." Chu Yichen laughed lightly, licking her auricle with the tip of his tongue, and asked: "Don't you want to know if I love you or not?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was startled, but he didn't expect him to mention this.

Does he have feelings for her? Gu Xiaoxiao never thought about going into it. To be precise, I dare not.

He is Chu Yichen, he married her, what else can she ask for?

"Love you." The low and elegant voice sounded again, and he let go of her hand and hugged her. After biting with her delicate earlobes, she said clearly: "I love you, so you can only be mine."

He put his hands into her clothes, and his fiery palms walked on her skin. Some rough kisses are completely different from the past.

Gu Xiaoxiao was hugged by him and lay on the bed, and his shirt quickly disappeared. He easily pried her teeth apart, his tongue intertwined. Holding her tightly, as if trying to rub her into the body.

"Yichen, what's wrong with you?"

Panting and looking at Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao actually felt uneasy from him.

"I regret letting you go to Guangzhou." Looking at Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes, Chu Yichen opened his mouth with a low gaze. "If I didn't agree at the time, you wouldn't have suffered so much. It was my fault."

Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed, and then his hands slowly wrapped around his arms.

These days, Gu Xiaoxiao has been immersed in her own world. She blamed God for being unfair to herself, and she hated everything Ling Qianyu did to herself. But she almost forgot, she was not the only one who felt uncomfortable.

"If it weren't for you, I would never be able to do so many things I want to do. Going to Guangzhou is my own decision, so how can I blame you? You have been by my side since the day Jin Jing and the others got engaged last year. You Give me so much, how could I not know."

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