Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 410: Are you coming back because of me?

Ling Qianyu couldn't see the look on his face, but could smell the breath on his body.

His mind was in a trance, Ling Qianyu knew Chu Yichen's sudden approach, it couldn't be the kind she imagined. However, she couldn't resist his approach.

"Okay, how could it be bad to see you." Ling Qianyu smiled slowly, looked at him winkingly, and replied softly: "When can we create a chance for the two of us to meet alone? I look forward to it. ."

Ling Qianyu made no secret of what he meant to Chu Yichen, even though the protagonists were Jin Jing and Lin Churui on this occasion. But if Chu Yichen can come, the degree of attention must be far higher than those of the two.

Therefore, the scene of the two of them standing together and talking will be seen by many people. Maybe it will be photographed by some troublesome person, and there will be some scandals.

Ling Qianyu doesn't mind these things, but Chu Yichen, someone who will hold a wedding right away, can't help but mind. Gu Xiaoxiao, who did not appear, is even more so.

Thinking of making Gu Xiaoxiao unbearable, Ling Qianyu felt more comfortable.

"If you have anything to do with me, it's better to just say it." Ling Qianyu took a sip of wine and moistened his throat. "You have never been a circumstance, so ask."

Chu Yichen had already caught a glimpse of the scene of Xu Ming and Han Yichao coming here. Facing Ling Qianyu's question, he pondered for a moment without being polite.

"Are you coming back this time because of me?"

Chu Yichen's question caused Ling Qianyu to be taken aback. Her eyes widened instantly, and she looked at Chu Yichen intently, thinking that she had misheard. Because of that provocative tone, it shouldn't be from Chu Yichen's mouth.

Chu Yichen's expression was dim and unclear, and his dark eyes were deep and calm, making Ling Qianyu unable to see any emotions. After sipping the wine in the glass, he squinted at Ling Qianyu and waited for her answer. Seeing that she hadn't spoken, he asked again.

"Then why did you leave in the first place?"

Ling Qianyu's nerves were tense, until Xu Ming and the others walked over and they hadn't returned to normal.

For so many years, even when she left, he never asked himself why.

Now, seeing his wedding approaching. He came to ask himself these questions, why?

"What is it?" As soon as Xu Ming and the two walked to their side, they felt that the atmosphere was not right. He smiled and eased the atmosphere, and said, "It's not easy to see so many people at the Jin family's wedding."

Chu Yichen smiled and said hello to the two of them, and was soon caught up in all kinds of people surrounding him.

The "battle" between Fengyang Group and Jin's is a good show that many people are looking forward to watching. Although according to the current situation, Fengyang Group is slightly better. Because Mu Yunfan was sentenced and fined. However, the joint cooperation between Jin's and Yi Chang has just begun, so the good show is yet to come.

Ling Qianyu's thoughts were all on Chu Yichen's body because of the simple words he just said.

After the whole wedding, Ling Qianyu was a little absent-minded. Chu Yichen just came over to show his face, and soon he was ready to flash. Seeing that he was leaving, Ling Qianyu walked quickly to keep up, and didn't want to stay here for long.

Xu Ming and Han Yi watched the two leave, glanced at each other, and both sighed faintly.

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