Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 417: Ling Qianyu intends to monopolize the domestic market

After Gu Xiaoxiao left, Chu Yichen and Xu Ming drove to meet An Chenglang and others.

Along the way, the two were also very cautious. After all, the whereabouts of Bai Ziluo could not be discovered by Ling Qianyu and others.

With regard to Ling Qianyu, it has been so many days since Chu Yichen did not allow Fu Ziheng to participate. Because this is not a good thing, it is the right choice to put the least people at risk.

"Here." Looking at Chu Yichen and Xu Ming, An Chenglang patted the tabletop. "Hurry up, just waiting for you."

They were studying Ling Qianyu's clubhouse and several suspicious personnel inside. The last time Han Yi sent someone to make a surprise attack, Ling Qianyu was really taken aback. The impression of her club has always been very elegant. It does not provide wine but only tea. People who go there usually drink tea, chat and discuss business. People who have a high style and can consume are not low in status.

This is the first time that the police came to investigate. Although no evidence was found under normal searches, Ling Qianyu's reaction was sufficient to explain the problem. They even had reason to suspect that Ling Qianyu had hidden some drugs in this clubhouse.

This hotel is opened by the Chu family, so there is no need to worry about being tapped. Chu Yichen leaned back on the chair, put his hands around his chest, and looked at the data on the big screen.

If the situation in City B is understood, none of these people can compare to Chu Yichen and Han Yi. Although Han Yi said he was in the public security department, he was not in charge of public security after all, so Chu Yichen might not know much about various entertainment clubs.

There is also a club under the Chu family. When doing this business, I must have done some research on my colleagues. Everyone knows all the drugs are sold in various casinos. After this month's investigation, they also have a certain understanding of the drug sales situation in City B.

"In the drug market in City B, 70% of the goods are provided by Ling Qianyu." Chu Yichen suddenly uttered a shocking sentence, shifting the attention of others to him. "And her goods are very pure."

Chu Yichen had already done some homework secretly, and he was not sure that he would not say these things.

Xu Ming's heart sank suddenly, and he continued to speak in silence.

"Bai Ziluo should be very clear that the current traditional drugs in China are mainly from the Golden Triangle and the Golden Crescent. The drugs in the Golden Triangle are mainly imported from the Southwest, Yunnan and other places. The drugs from the Golden Crescent are imported from Northwest Xinjiang entered the country and then scattered to various places in the country. However, the status and influence of traditional drugs such as Hai/Luo/Yin are gradually declining, and they are replaced by synthetic drugs that have emerged later. And synthetic drugs such as ice/drug Almost all the sources of drugs are domestic production and sales."

Chu Yichen lowered his eyes, and said clearly and clearly.

"As far as I know, Ling Qianyu intends to monopolize the domestic market. The crystal drugs in the domestic drug consumer market mainly come from parts of Guangdong and Sichuan. The impact has spread to many provinces. This is also Zang Hanfei's previous appearance in Guangzhou. The reason is. He has already cooperated with Ling Qianyu and wants to shift his focus from the Golden Triangle back to China."

"What else did you find?" Bai Ziluo asked with interest. Chu Yichen has been hanging around abroad these days. He thought that when he was happy with Xiaojiao's wife, he would forget about this stuff. Unexpectedly, the private investigation was quite clear.

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