Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 419: Did you use the beautiful boy?

Chu Yichen and Bai Ziluo discussed the coordination work for the next period of time, and got up and left.

"Yichen, why don't you go for a drink before leaving?" An Chenglang frowned as he watched him walk firmly.

"No, I'll talk about it another day."

The door was quickly opened and closed. An Chenglang looked at the door, sighed, and then looked at Xu Ming, who had the most contact with Chu Yichen, and asked: "How long has he been with Gu Xiaoxiao? Do you have to go home on time every day? Afraid of your wife?"

"Yichen is not afraid of his wife now, he is completely a wife slave." Xu Ming leaned back in the chair and shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "Let me tell you, let alone go home to accompany Gu Xiaoxiao. Even if Gu Xiaoxiao said that he wanted to go to the Antarctic to see penguins, believe it or not he would not be able to appear at the company tomorrow?

Chu Yichen was eaten to death by Gu Xiaoxiao, and it is estimated that there is no chance of turning over in the future. Xu Ming has already seen through this point.

Xu Ming's words amused An Chenglang and others. In fact, they could see it when they were in Guangzhou. Chu Yichen was nervous and the little woman was nervous to death.

"Okay, don't laugh." Xu Ming got up and hit An Chenglang on the back of the head. "Today's Chu Yichen and tomorrow's you, don't think that our heads are short of strings. I don't know what your purpose is here. Your kid is obedient to Yichen now. If it weren't a bit tricky, I wouldn't believe you would be like this. obedient."

Picking up his clothes and preparing to go home, Xu Ming teased An Chenglang before leaving.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Xiao Xi went on a blind date some time ago."

An Chenglang's thoughts are actually really easy to guess. After all, it was not a year or two that he followed Chu Xiaoxi's mess.

"Let's go, call if something happens." Xu Ming waved his back to An Chenglang and went back to the house.

When Chu Yichen returned home, it was less than half past eight. When he parked the car and was about to go upstairs, he received a call from Ling Qianyu.

In some cases, this practice is not only suitable for women to play. Chu Yichen hung up the phone, mute the sound, and went straight upstairs.

"Yichen Yichen, come and see!"

As soon as he returned home and opened the door, Chu Yichen heard Gu Xiaoxiao's anxious voice.

She sat on the sofa and took a shower. She was wearing a one-piece silk bathrobe with rabbit ears and her hair was still wet. She looked like a high school student.

"Why don't you come out after blowing your hair?" Chu Yichen asked when she walked to sit down beside her, grabbed her wet hair.

"It's hot, I'll do it in a while, no need to blow it." Gu Xiaoxiao answered plausibly, and then pointed to the computer screen to show Chu Yichen a piece of gossip news.

At the scene of Jin Jing's wedding, the photo of Chu Yichen leaning over and Ling Qianyu whispering softly is on it. Moreover, the photos are quite clear.

Chu Yichen has always been insulated from lace scandals. The last big news that had something to do with a woman was his marriage to Gu Xiaoxiao. And this time, how could it not attract people's attention because of unclear involvement with his ex-girlfriend.

Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at Chu Yichen intently with a smile. Judging from the state of her whole person, she is not angry. There was even a slight expectation, expecting him to say something to her.

"What does the little thing think?" Chu Yichen asked with a frown, looking at her.

"I think, are you going to use beautiful men?"

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