Sweet talk, Chu Yichen never speaks. Ling Qianyu had said a word to him before. She said that if he had the patience for Gu Xiaoxiao with one third of his patience with her back then, she would not leave.

Yes, that's right. Chu Yichen had already known the reason for Ling Qianyu's departure. Because of his indifference, because of her unwillingness.

She thought he would go to her and chase her. She would be furious because she had **** with other men, after all, he was so smart, he would definitely find everything. But in the end, she didn't wait for anything.

Ling Qianyu of the year was enough. Chu Yichen back then was also ruthless.

He was cruel to Ling Qianyu and also cruel to himself.

He had never thought that Ling Qianyu would betray himself in that way. Choose to sleep with a man you know, and not just one. Even Chu Yichen now cannot accept it. So he gave up. Slowly digesting the pain and discomfort in my heart, I survived those years.

From a young age to a young age, Ling Qianyu has been like a wild horse running out of steam. She always thought that she was the one who controlled others, but it was only in the end that she was looking for the one who could control her.

Chu Yichen is her best candidate. She has been going around for so many years, and she has never forgotten anyone. It was a pity that the seat beside him was not reserved for her and was replaced by someone else.

Chu Yichen has been alone for so many years, without any lace news.

Ling Qianyu thought that when she had enough fun and went back, they could still continue.

The appearance of Gu Xiaoxiao was a surprise to Ling Qianyu. Chu Yichen's feelings for Gu Xiaoxiao were even more unexpected to Ling Qianyu.

Hide your identity to show good to a woman? This is not something Chu Yichen would do. What happened to him? Do you really like that woman so much? What's different about Gu Xiaoxiao? Is she just so likable that she is only a heinous yellow-haired girl?

Let Zang Han fly to kidnap Gu Xiaoxiao, this is Ling Qianyu's mistake. Because Zang Hanfei was too greedy for money, if Gu Xiaoxiao was arrested and killed, there would not be so many things.

Now that he has lost his hand, it is impossible to think of such a good opportunity in the future. It's impossible to start in City B, as the Chu family's forces are everywhere inside and out. Looking at Chu Yichen's current appearance, he would never let Gu Xiaoxiao go out alone.

In the twenty-story tall building, Ling Qianyu held a wine glass in his hand and watched the traffic downstairs.

Why was her clubhouse checked? Obviously, he had already greeted the police station in advance.

But that day, all entertainment venues in the entire area were raided and inspected, and it was heard that it was an order from above. Is it really just an accident?

Ling Qianyu was still a little worried after drinking the wine in the glass. I made a call to the person under his staff and asked him to keep an eye on the movement of the club. Once there is any disturbance, I would rather not sell the goods and destroy them all without revealing their identity.

"Well, I know, I have lived here these days. By the way, the goods over there are coming out, I will find a time to come by next week."

"Okay, come pick me up tomorrow morning, and I'll talk about it when you meet."

Ling Qianyu had a headache after hanging up the phone. She pressed her temples and sat on the sofa, closing her eyes.

The business is too big and sometimes it is impossible to get away easily. Just like she is now, she wants to pull away and look back, it is no longer possible.

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