Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 426: I won't help you either!

"Shen Zhiyang has been a soldier for so many years and he is very vigilant. I am worried that if the police there are notified, this will definitely be screwed up. Would you like to arrange two reliable people to go to Shanghai and see?"

An Chenglang sat on the table, looked sideways at Chu Yichen, and suggested.

"As for contacts now, time is more pressing. Let me find someone, is this what Bai Ziluo meant?"

Chu Yichen was not that good at fooling around. Although there was a military area here, it was not difficult to find two powerful special arms. But when it comes to finding people, Bai Ziluo has more resources than himself. Which of the two people who followed him is not a powerful character? He was obviously too troublesome and wanted to let himself be a coolie.

"His favor debt is really not so good." Chu Yichen got the answer from An Chenglang's face and sneered and said: "The boss is in Shanghai these two days, let him arrange it."

After speaking, Chu Yichen called Chu Yixuan. After briefly talking about the situation, this matter was settled.

"I'll make a time to go back next week, and I will talk about the specific circumstances."

I heard Chu Yichen say that Bai Ziluo is now in City B, and this case is related to him. Chu Yixuan felt that something was wrong.

"Send me the basic information about the person you want to track, and I will arrange it today."

"Okay, hang up."

He sent Shen Zhiyang's flight information and personal information to Chu Yixuan, and waited for the news from him. In the evening of the next day, Chu Yichen received his call.

"I opened a room in Shanghai, but after resting for three hours, I drove away."

"Where did the route go? Chengdu?" Chu Yichen thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, it's probably Chengdu."

"Let your people be careful and contact you if you have any news."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yichen leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes.

Shen Zhiyang worked hard to give others the illusion that he was still in Shanghai, and even someone in the hotel room was substituted. Therefore, he went to Chengdu to inspect Ling Qianyu.

Chu Yichen is not a naive person, and naturally understands that trying to find out Ling Qianyu's den is not that simple and easy.

After thinking for a while, he got up and got out of the room. When passing the stairs, Gu Xiaoxiaozheng and An Chenglang were sitting in the living room by accident. The two of them faced each other, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They didn't speak, they just stared at each other and didn't know what they were doing.

Chu Yichen looked at it for a moment, then went downstairs in confusion. Gu Xiaoxiao heard the footsteps and looked over. After finding out that it was him, he became particularly confident, and he glared at An Chenglang with a disdainful "hum" in his nose. It gave people a feeling that she was no longer afraid of being backed by her.

"My wife is pretty." Walking to Gu Xiaoxiao and sitting down, he took her into his arms, and Chu Yichen looked at An Chenglang and asked jokingly.

"Well, it looks good." An Chenglang nodded with a cold expression.

"I know I look good, and I won't help you!" Gu Xiaoxiao stood up, not planning to stay here anymore. When Chu Yichen stretched out and pulled her, he hit his hand once, and then went upstairs under the gaze of the two.

In fact, Gu Xiaoxiao and An Chenglang accidentally ran into each other downstairs. Chu Xiaoxi was not at home and went to the flower market with Shen Qianyun. Therefore, An Chenglang seized this opportunity to please Gu Xiaoxiao and wanted her to do herself a "little favor."

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