Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 440: Shen Qianyun was tracked

Those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black, so Gu Xiaoxiao's mouth is getting stronger and stronger, and Chu Yichen definitely can't escape.

"Come back early in the evening, please drink the king's soup."

Chu Yichen, who was working hard at the company to make money to support his family, snorted when he saw such an unscrupulous message and threw his phone aside.

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi went upstairs, and the two of them had a fuss for a while before quieting down and doing their own things.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the stock market on the computer, and the Jin Group also reopened, and the trend is not bad. Successfully stood above the 10-day moving average, and the upward channel has been opened. If there are no surprises, the following trend can be expected.

But then again, Jin Feng already has money in his hands, how could he not do anything?

Jin Feng worked with Xu Ze, a private equity tycoon before, but Chu Yichen put it together. Now Xu Ze has been arrested for investigation and control, and there has been no news for a long time.

However, people like this top manipulating stock market generally have little news after being caught. This is basically an unwritten rule, everyone understands it. Therefore, Jin Feng would definitely not be wishful thinking, waiting for Xu Ze to come out before working with him.

Jin Feng couldn't play Chu Yichen in the stock market, he should already know this. Therefore, he would use the money he got from Lin's family elsewhere to fight Fengyang.

As for Chu Yichen, since he wanted to destroy the Jinshi's acquisition of Jinshi, he would definitely buy the shares of the Jinshi Group secretly. Fortunately, Lin Churui’s company was not listed. Otherwise, Gu Xiaoxiao would think about it and feel big...

Chu Yichen had a busy day at the company. He just got home in the evening, got out of the car and closed the door, and saw the driver approaching.

Hearing a few words in a low voice, Chu Yichen's expression changed.

"Has this happened in the last few days?" he asked coldly.

"Today is the first time."

"Continue to pay more attention when going out in the future, and report any situation to me."

After the two had spoken, Chu Yichen walked into the room and talked to others casually. After dinner, he returned to the room and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao lying on the bed reading a book. Chu Yichen asked aloud, "When is the exam?"

"The day after tomorrow." Looking up at him, Gu Xiaoxiao asked back: "What's the matter? Something?"

"For those who haven't even made the key points, I look forward to seeing your results this time."

"You are looking down on me." When she got up, Gu Xiaoxiao held her book and looked at him and said, "I am a scholarship holder every year. You dare to despise me."

"Then show me the first one this time?"

Chu Yichen said that Gu Xiaoxiao had a guilty conscience, gritted his teeth and raised a sigh, Gu Xiaoxiao asked with a faintly gleam: "I want to get the first place in the exam, what reward do you have?"

"Give what you want."

"It's as if I don't take the first place exam, and I won't give anything if I want." Gu Xiaoxiao curled up her lips and continued reading.

Originally, I still had the mentality of wanting to get mixed up and taking a test. Now that Chu Yichen said so, she had the urge to test the previous one again.

Chu Yichen shifted Gu Xiaoxiao's mind to study, smiled slightly, and went out.

Shen Qianyun has been helping with their wedding recently, but when he went shopping today, he was followed.

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