Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 464: Ling Qianyu won't help you

Gu Xiaoxiao feels sick every time she thinks about the joint effort between Jin Jing and Ling Qianyu.

She can't kill, but she must avenge her grudges.

Standing in front of Jin Jing, Gu Xiaoxiao sneered at her.

"My good days have just begun, and yours is over."

Seeing Jin Jing's desperate expression in his eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao once again felt the sadness of human nature. Jin Jing, she might not admit that she did something wrong at the end of her life, because she thought she was right.

The favorable environment God bestowed on her, and Jin Feng's repeated indulgence to her had already made her twisted. Therefore, it is useless to say more, it will only waste your tongue.

"Even if Mu Yunfan really comes out, I won't want you again." Turning around and picking up the backpack, Gu Xiaoxiao planned to leave. "And I tell you, Ling Qianyu will never help you. If you don't believe it, let's just wait and see."

After speaking, Gu Xiaoxiao walked out of the room without looking back.

The corridor was quiet, no one was seen. Gu Xiaoxiao strode out of the clubhouse and saw Huang Xing outside the gate.

"Leave her people alone, be careful when you go back." Gu Xiaoxiao whispered as she passed Huang Xing.

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao opened the door of the car, she felt the solemn atmosphere inside the car.

"What are you doing with Xiaoxiao these days?"

Chu Xiaoxi was arguing with An Chenglang in the back seat, and couldn't understand how close he and Gu Xiaoxiao were.

"Did she not tell you? The revolutionary friendship between the two of us has risen sharply recently. In other words, the two of us are good friends."

Uncle An Chenglang sat behind, playing mobile games with his head down. Hearing the sound of the car door, he lifted his eyes and glanced, and smiled.

"Yo, my good friend is back."

"Guicai and you are good friends." Gu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and closed them tiredly. "Xiao Xi, I want to go back to the company."

Chu Xiaoxi looked at her with some worry, and didn't know what happened inside.

Gu Xiaoxiao raised her body for a month, and now she has become a Desperate Saburo again. Even after returning to the company to work, she still has to read two hours of books at home every day after get off work. Chu Xiaoxi didn't know what she wanted to do. In short, she didn't have any spare time now.

Back to the company, An Chenglang was dropped by the two. He didn't even have a car. He stood by the road, sighed up to the sky, and took a taxi to leave.

Gu Xiaoxiao just got back to the office when he received a call. It was Li Feng from Hongguang Pharmaceutical and asked Gu Xiaoxiao if he had heard any news.

Fengyang Group is actively expanding the domestic pharmaceutical market recently, so it has a lot of contacts with Hongguang.

Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned by Li Feng's question, and then asked, "What news?"

"Mingyang Pharmaceutical's goods have been seized. Didn't you sign any contract with someone over there?"

Mingyang Medicine... was originally the first selected partner for this project. Later, because Gu Xiaoxiao and Xu Ming felt that the other party was not reliable, they passed and turned to Hongguang again.

"No contract was signed, and no cooperation." Gu Xiaoxiao put on the headphones and searched for news on the computer while talking with Li Feng. "What drug is being seized?"

"I heard that there are 4 batches of antidepressants. Nearly 200,000 boxes of antidepressants are made of starch."

Gu Xiaoxiao's hand motion stopped, and she suddenly clenched into a fist.

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