Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 469: If I were her, I would use this method.

"What's the matter? Isn't it happy that you didn't talk back just now?"

As soon as they left everyone's sight, Chu Yichen and Bai Ziluo immediately returned to their previous appearances. Looking at each other coldly, there was no smile on his face.

Bai Ziluo rubbed his smiling stiff cheeks and sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, not answering An Chenglang's questions. And Chu Yichen directly ignored his words, as if he hadn't heard them.

"Ling Qianyu hasn't moved for nearly a month." Bai Ziluo took the initiative to change the subject and talked about serious matters. "If you guessed it correctly, the goods in her hands should have bottomed out. If you don't want the business to be robbed, you must find a way. And Shen Zhiyang has started to change again recently."

"Now all parts of the country are strictly inspected. It is completely impossible for a large amount of goods to be brought in. What exactly does she want to do?"

An Chenglang put his hands around his chest, guessing Ling Qianyu's intentions.

Several people discussed for a while, but no results. When Gu Xiaoxiao came to give them tea and fruit, they still had no idea.

An Chenglang looked at Gu Xiaoxiao who walked to the door, and suddenly stopped her.

"Xiao Xiao, come here."

Gu Xiaoxiao turned and looked at him in doubt, while Bai Ziluo and Chu Yichen were also a little surprised. After all, this kind of thing is not suitable for Gu Xiaoxiao to mix up.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked slowly back to the few people, looked at them, and felt a little dazed.

"What?" She looked at An Chenglang, frowning her brows slightly, "Tell me not to speak."

"I ask you, if you have a lot of gold and want to get them from far away, but there is no way to carry so much at one time, because you will be targeted by others and you may be robbed. Then, What would you think of?"

An Chenglang looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with interest and asked.

Gold? Gu Xiaoxiao bit the corner of her lip and quickly understood what he meant.

Bai Ziluo was in City B to investigate Ling Qianyu's drug trafficking. So the gold in An Chenglang's mouth refers to drugs.

"Fear of being caught by others will distract others. There is no way to carry them all at once...then separate several times, or find more people and take a few more paths." Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it for a moment. , Answered An Chenglang's question.

"But what if gold is prohibited?" Bai Ziluo asked again.

"Then pack it into normal things." Gu Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at him, smiled and said: "Packed into unobtrusive qualified products."

She stood in the middle of a few people, staring at them, feeling a little uncomfortable. So he walked a few steps forward to Chu Yichen's side and continued to speak.

"If I were Ling Qianyu...what would I do?"

After Gu Xiaoxiao said Ling Qianyu's name, An Chenglang almost laughed.

This girl is really getting more and more interesting. She really understood what she wanted to say.

Trying to think of herself as Ling Qianyu, Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly flashed her eyes and looked at An Chenglang.

"Get up, I want to use the computer."

Throwing An Chenglang away from the chair, Gu Xiaoxiao sat down and quickly found a webpage for a few people to read.

The three of Chu Yichen surrounded her and looked at the news on the page. They seemed to understand what she meant...

"I caught a cold on a business trip. It's normal to take medicine. There are a box or two of cold medicine in my backpack. There is nothing wrong with it, right?"

Gu Xiaoxiao dragged his chin with one hand and said quietly.

"If I were her, I would use this method."

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