Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 487: Encountered a problem (1)

Ling Qianyu is really amazing, able to alarm so many powerful characters one after another. I have to say that even if she is a bad person, she has reached a level beyond the reach of others.

Bai Yingjie looked up and down Gu Xiaoxiao, smiled and nodded.


"Ah...I'm a bit thinner, I'm losing weight recently."

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassedly. In fact, she has been trying hard to gain weight recently, and her weight has risen from 70 catties to 80 catties.

"I made an appointment with Chu Yichen to meet here, are you off work now?" Bai Yingjie turned around and answered Gu Xiaoxiao's question just now.

"It's not time to get off work, I want to go home early." Gu Xiaoxiao looked down for her mobile phone, "I'll help you urge him, he should be back soon."

"No, I didn't say hello in advance when I came, don't rush him, it's a good thing to drive slowly."

Bai Yingjie shook his head and said, stopping Gu Xiaoxiao's movement.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked down and thought, since Chu Yichen knew that Bai Yingjie was here, even if he didn't make this call, he would come back as quickly as possible. But then again, when Bai Yingjie came to City B, he came to Chu Yichen without seeing his son first. Are things really that urgent?

As far as Gu Xiaoxiao knows, Ling Qianyu's affairs have recently reached a bottleneck.

They did have some evidence in their hands, and it was enough to defeat the Jin Group and the Lin Family. However, Ling Qianyu's drug trafficking incident has not only affected these two families. From the bottom to the top, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know how many people were involved.

These people, these relationships are intertwined. If the Jin family and the Lin family were to be pulled out alone, they would surely be shocked. Ling Qianyu is a very smart person. She kept herself clean. Therefore, to convict Ling Qianyu, more evidence is needed. She was asked to buy evidence from officials, and she was also required to contact drug dealers with evidence of transactions.

When Gu Xiaoxiao was talking to Bai Yingjie, Chu Xiaoxi had already walked out of it. After seeing who the person facing Gu Xiaoxiao was, she quickly searched for the person's name in her mind, then took a breath and ran over quickly.

"Good leadership!" Chu Xiaoxi greeted the other party with a faintly bright look, "Why did the leader come here?"

Chu Xiaoxi gave a leader from the left and a leader from the right, and Bai Yingjie smiled.

"Come here to find Chu Yichen to deal with something. I haven't seen you in a few years. The little girl looks so beautiful." Pat Chu Xiaoxi's shoulder, Bai Yingjie boasted: "Your brother is married, when will you turn? To you?"

"Don't I have another brother? Don't worry or worry." Chu Xiaoxi looked back at the office building and suggested: "Go inside and wait. My second brother doesn't know when I can come back."

"Just wait here, you two will go to work if you have something to do." Bai Yingjie looked up at the sun in the sky, then looked at the two of them, and said, "I have time to invite you to dinner."

"Even if you do, we will ask you to lead you." Chu Xiaoxi hooked Gu Xiaoxiao's arm and smiled: "When I was in Guangzhou, I would like to thank you for saving my sister-in-law. If the leader has something to do today, we will not Excuse me. When you have time, I will definitely invite you to dinner!"

Chu Xiaoxi said politely. After a few people chatted for a while, Chu Xiaoxi took Gu Xiaoxiao and left.

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