Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 489: Xiao Xiao is my daughter

After taking a bath, he was a little more sober. I walked to the bed and sat down, turned to look at Gu Xiaoxiao, thinking for a while and asking: "Big Brother comes back tomorrow night, there is a party at Fu Ziheng, let's go together?"

"Fu Ziheng's party? Why do I find it unreliable? What is it for? Does anyone have a birthday?"

Shaking his head, Chu Yichen smiled and said: "I'll get together when I'm idle and nothing nonsense. I'll come back to pick you up this afternoon and let's go together."

"it is good."

The two agreed on a time. After Gu Xiaoxiao received a call from Chu Yichen the next afternoon, she changed her clothes and waited for him to return. At this time, Gu Xiaoxiao, who was negligent, didn't realize that after eating breakfast in the morning, he hadn't seen Shen Qianyun for most of the day...

Gu Xiaoxiao was picked up by Chu Yichen, and Shen Qianyun stood on the balcony upstairs, watching the car slowly leave, and sighed with red eyes.

What should come is always coming, even if it is hiding, it will not be avoided after all.

Wiping away tears, Shen Qianyun raised a sigh, turned around and walked out of the room and went downstairs.

Chu Yichen had arranged the car to wait for her outside and got in the car. Shen Qianyun felt heavy and complicated. She stared at the outside scenery until the car reached the place, and then slowly retracted her gaze.

A teahouse club was also here when Shen Qianyun met old colleagues before.

After getting out of the car, Shen Qianyun walked in without expression. Under the guidance of the waiter, I came to the agreed room.

Opening the door, Shen Qianyun and someone who had been waiting in the house looked at each other. For an instant, a strong hatred burst into her eyes.

"Mom." The people inside quickly got up and called after seeing her.

"Don't call my mother, I can't stand it." Shen Qianyun smiled coldly, closed the door with his backhand, and walked over. Under the gaze of the other person, he sat on the chair. "What do you want me to do, let's talk."

The one standing opposite Shen Qianyun is no one else, but Bai Yingjie who rushed to City B yesterday.

The atmosphere in the room is a bit depressing. Even though the weather is fine and the windows in the room are open, the expressions on both Shen Qianyun's faces are covered with dark clouds.

Bai Yingjie looked at the old man in front of him. He could not see a trace of his previous leadership in front of others.

Quietly in the room, it seemed that each other was calming down their emotions and sorting out their own language.

After being silent for a while, Bai Yingjie also took a seat. He poured a cup of tea for Shen Qianyun and handed it over, and he spoke again.

"Actually, I have been looking for you all these years. Mom, I know that Xiaoxiao is my daughter. This time, I came here for this."

As soon as Bai Yingjie's words fell, Shen Qianyun splashed the cup of tea in front of him on his face.

She moved quickly and decisively, without any hesitation, and after doing it, there was no regret.

"Bai Yingjie, a person wants a face and a bark. This is the most basic truth." Her clenched fists trembled slightly, "Xiao Xiao, whose surname is Gu, has nothing to do with your Bai family. I ask you not to disturb her. life."

"I rescued her in Guangzhou. I have already done a paternity test. She is my daughter. You can't go wrong."

Bai Yingjie wiped the tea on his face, and did not feel any emotions because of Shen Qianyun's words and actions. He still looked at Shen Qianyun with a guilty expression, with a clear purpose.

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