Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 492: My woman, don't worry about it.

An Chenglang sat in the corner of the sofa, looked up at Chu Xiaoxi who was talking, and stared at her carefully.

Chu Xiaoxi, who was drunk and hazy, was much less vigilant than usual. Therefore, even if An Chenglang looked at her naked, she didn't respond.

Chu Xiaoxi had been bickering with Fu Ziheng, An Chenglang listened for a while, stood up and went out to breathe. When I came back again, I saw a few people lying next to the railing upstairs, looking down maliciously. And their eyes fell on Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi.

Compared to what the two wear today, An Chenglang thinks that they look more and it should be Chu Xiaoxi.

Turning to walk towards the stairs, An Chenglang went straight upstairs. After finding the location of several people, walk towards them.

The sudden appearance of strangers changed the expressions of several men. An Chenglang drew the man in the middle, then stood at that position and looked downstairs.

Sure enough, looking at it from here is really "unlimited scenery".

An Chenglang's eyes were gloomy at once, and the man who had just been pulled away by him was already unhappy and surrounded him with several other friends. And swearing, spitting out some swear words from time to time.

"Does it look good?" An Chenglang withdrew his gaze, turned to look at them, and asked, "Is he in good shape?"

When he asked, the other people were stunned.

"Do you want to go down for a drink and get to know?"

"Do you know that girl?" someone asked unbelievably.

"It's more than just knowing." An Chenglang smiled mysteriously, "I have slept before."

"Fuck/slot? Really?"

The few people looked at each other, and their hostility towards An Chenglang was reduced because of his two words.

"Really, let's go and take you to get to know each other."

An Chenglang spoke and led them to the stairs. Seeing An Chenglang's actions, several people took his words seriously. Moreover, there are many people upstairs and downstairs, and they also believe that he dare not do anything to them.

By the railing that led the people away, An Chenglang glanced back at the distance, and stopped when he saw that he couldn't see everything downstairs.

He was not leaving, and the others looked over in confusion. Before realizing what was going on, An Chenglang took the lead.

In just two or three minutes, An Chenglang looked at the few people who were completely incompetent, and shook his head somewhat boringly.

Looking at their outfits, I thought I could play for a while, but I didn't expect it to be so rubbish.

Kneeling down, An Chenglang pulled up one person's hair. A few of them have been beaten and can't get up. An Chenglang's skills are professionally trained, so in a few more rounds, they will not be his opponent.

"My woman, don't worry about it in the future, you know?" A few people were warned coldly, An Chenglang patted the face of the person next to him unhappily, and said: "Look at me again, don't blame me for being polite."

Standing up, he walked directly downstairs. There were already onlookers who called the security guard here. After seeing An Chenglang, he politely stopped to say hello.

Although An Chenglang is not often in City B, he came with Chu Yichen. So I want to know that he can't be a simple character.

"Bring out the people above."

In a simple language, An Chenglang went downstairs nonchalantly and returned to a few people.

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