Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 494: I hate you, it has nothing to do with anyone.

An Chenglang did not leave because of her words and actions. He leaned on her body. He looked at her up close, and his eyes were filled with haze.

"An Chenglang! Can you let me go!?" Chu Xiaoxi, who was a little emotional, stared at him with red eyes. "I beg you, let me go, okay?"

"If I could let you go, I would let it go long ago."

Seeing her tears, An Chenglang's eyes flashed.

Raising his hand to wipe away the tears for her, his voice became softer unconsciously.

"Is it okay to forget him? Let's start again."

Speaking of that person again, hatred burst into Chu Xiaoxi's eyes. She suddenly increased her strength, pushed An Chenglang away from her body, then sat up, gritted her teeth and looked at him, saying clearly: "An Chenglang, I hate you, it has nothing to do with anyone. I hate only you. Understand?"

After putting on the clothes he tore off, Chu Xiaoxi's expression was unexpectedly calm.

"I will forget him, but it's impossible for me and you."

After taking a breath, Chu Xiaoxi got out of bed and walked to the door, opened the door, looked at An Chenglang, and continued: "If you don't leave, I'll call someone. This is my house. If you want to make things worse, , I don't care."

An Chenglang felt helpless, bent over to pick up the things on the ground and put them back in place, then walked to Chu Xiaoxi, took a deep look at her, and walked out of her room.

The door slammed and it was closed impatiently. Chu Xiaoxi slid slowly down the door and sat on the ground.

She hugged herself, buried her head between her knees, breathing heavily.

"Son of a bitch……"

While whispering, Chu Xiaoxi cursed. She sat on the ground for a long time, until the clock had unknowingly pointed to the four o'clock direction, and the sky outside the window had been shining, and she got up from the ground with a bit of stiffness, and lay down on the bed in chaos. Pulled over the quilt and fell asleep.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't see Chu Xiaoxi and An Chenglang in the morning because of the footage he saw secretly last night. She was also a little bit frustrated and did not go upstairs to check the situation.

After eating breakfast, Gu Xiaoxiao went back to the room to pack her luggage, then sat on the bed for a while and went to Shen Qianyun's room.

After knocking on the door for a long time, Gu Xiaoxiao thought there was no one inside, and when he was about to turn around and leave, the door was slowly opened.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

Turning around and seeing Shen Qianyun's puffy eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao was startled. Helping Shen Qianyun into the room, she looked at the old man in front of her worriedly and asked, "Is it unwell? Or what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Shen Qianyun smiled perfunctorily, "I drank a little water last night, so my eyes were a little swollen."

Unable to tell the truth, Shen Qianyun now only wants Gu Xiaoxiao to spend the wedding period happily.

Raising his hand and lovingly touched Gu Xiaoxiao's hair, Shen Qianyun looked at her carefully for a moment, and said in a complicated mood: "My Xiaoxiao has finally grown up, so I don't need to worry about my grandma anymore."

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm grown up. I used to be my grandma raising me, so I'll change it later!" Holding Shen Qianyun, Gu Xiaoxiao said coquettishly, "Grandma, I will work hard and make money."

If you say who is the person Gu Xiaoxiao wants to thank the most for so many years, then Shen Qianyun is the place.

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