"I think you should go to Chu Yichen, what I wrote was not quite right at the beginning, and I understood after asking him."

The room was a bit boring, Gu Xiaoxiao walked to the window and opened a gap in the window. The two of them stood and sat, chatting softly.

New Year's Eve is getting closer and closer, and the flavor of this city is getting stronger and stronger. Gu Xiaoxiao's grandfather, uncle and others have decided to return to China for the New Year. Gu Xiaoxiao heard from Chu Yichen yesterday that they had even asked someone to buy a house in City B, as if they were preparing to come back often in the future...

This year, it is destined to have a special excitement. And as the end of the year approaches, Gu Xiaoxiao's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the concern from the Bai family has never stopped.

Bai Yingjie calls Gu Xiaoxiao every week. There is nothing excessive, just a simple greeting. Gu Xiaoxiao had blacked out Bai Anqing's number before, and was too embarrassed to deal with Bai Yingjie again. And Bai Yingjie did not embarrass her, every call was within two or three minutes, and the time was just right.

Bai Mo'er has already returned from Australia. She originally said that after returning, she would fly to City B and then go home. But I don't know how, I suddenly changed my decision and flew directly to Guangzhou. Moreover, this girl seems to have not approached Gu Xiaoxiao for more than a week.

Gu Xiaoxiao initially thought that she was seriously ill and was hospitalized, but then she realized that she didn't want to take care of herself at all, and she was a pregnant woman after having fun at home. Apart from helplessness, Gu Xiaoxiao had no other ideas.

Little children, it is natural to love to play, as long as she is happy.

On the last day of January, after a long absence, Gu Xiaoxiao received a call from Bai Moer. As soon as the video opened, Gu Xiaoxiao was shocked.

"Are you losing weight? Why did you lose so much?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked with frowning looking at the people on the screen.

"Are you gaining weight? Why have you gained so much weight?" Bai Mo'er asked not to be outdone, and Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry. "Sister, you have double chins~"

"I know! I don't need to remind you!" Gu Xiaoxiao touched her chin in anger, and Bai Mo'er smiled.

Looking at Bai Mo'er's smiling face, Gu Xiaoxiao adjusted her sitting posture and chatted with her comfortably. "Why do you think of me today?"

"I just miss you~ I want to look at my stomach."

With a straightforward request, after seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's belly, Bai Mo'er frowned and pursed her red lips.

Every time she took care of Xiaoxiao's belly, she felt so painful and uncomfortable.

Just as Bai Mo'er stared at the screen in a daze, the water glass on the table suddenly fell to the ground. The sound of the cup smashing made Gu Xiaoxiao feel strange, because Bai Mo'er did nothing and the cup was so good, how could it slip by itself?

"Who is next to you?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked, squinting her eyes slightly as Bai Mo'er winked at the people next to her.

"No, no one." When Gu Xiaoxiao noticed it, Bai Mo'er replied nervously, "I'm the only one."

Gu Xiaoxiao snorted and didn't need to ask any more. She thought of a choice of people.

It was Bai Anqing who sneaked a peek on the side. Gu Xiaoxiao didn't answer his phone, so he had to use this method.

"Sister, are you busy during the Chinese New Year? I want to visit you."

"It should be a little busy during the New Year. My grandpa and grandpa will come here. There are many people."

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