When Gu Xiaoxiao saw Gu Ran, he happened to look over. By his side, there is an old man. Behind him are his wife and his children.

Gu Ran turned his head, pointed in Gu Xiaoxiao's direction, and whispered something to the people around him. Gu Hongcheng followed his guidance and looked over. The moment he saw Gu Xiaoxiao, he stopped.

Gu Xiaoxiao, who was not far away, looked back at him with a little bewildered. Seeing such a familiar face, the corners of Gu Hongcheng's eyes suddenly became wet.

That year, that person. She is so young and beautiful, and so gentle and moving.

Since she was a child, she liked to step on a stool to read the books on his bookshelf, and since she was a child, she liked to surround him and call father after another. The sound is so crisp and so nice.

Scenes from the past replayed in his mind, the picture stayed at the last moment, Gu Wanting's body lying in the morgue...

Seeing that he was not leaving, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen next to him, and then walked towards that side.

Walking in front of Gu Hongcheng step by step, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at his tears and felt uncomfortable.

Qiang Yan raised the corners of her mouth with a smile, and Gu Xiaoxiao slowly opened her mouth.

"You must be tired on the road, let's go back and talk." Gu Xiaoxiao gently hugged Gu Hongcheng's trembling body, and said in a low voice, "Grandma waits at home."

"Okay, go back and talk."

Gu Hongcheng took a deep breath and calmed down. But seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's face that looked like Gu Wanting again, he still felt sad and sad.

Chu Yichen drove the nanny's car over, and a few people added luggage, which was just right.

Gu Ran had already ordered someone to buy the house here in advance and packed it up. The address is not far from the old house of the Chu family, so on the way back, I went there first, and then arrived at the Chu house again after putting down my luggage.

Running all the way, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted them to rest, but Gu Hongcheng disagreed.

For more than twenty years, someone who hasn't seen him for so long has already arrived, how could he still fall asleep.

Shen Qianyun did not come to the airport with Gu Xiaoxiao and the others. Gu Xiaoxiao thought, her mood must be very complicated.

The car arrived at Chu's house. Before Gu Xiaoxiao got off the car, he saw Chu Xiaoxi walking around the gate. She had a big belly, and when she saw the car, she immediately turned back to the house to inform the others.

Walking into the hall, many people were there. After Shen Qianyun saw Gu Hongcheng, there was no reaction. It was the two children who showed a smile on their faces after running to her and calling for grandma.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt that it hadn't been so lively for a long time. After eating and chatting, it was almost 12 o'clock in the evening when Chu Yichen sent Gu Hongcheng away and returned.

Gu Xiaoxiao did not dare to find Shen Qianyun, although she wanted to sleep with her. But after thinking about it, I still held back. Because she was afraid of crying.

Because of themselves, they have not seen each other for more than 20 years. Gu Xiaoxiao feels sad every time he thinks of this heavy fact. It was precisely because of this sadness that she couldn't forgive and accept Bai's kindness.

With Chu Yichen's arm resting on her, Gu Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable no matter how she lay. After tossing around, she was annoyed and wanted to cry.

So sleepy, I really want to sleep...

Chu Yichen felt her discomfort, so he softly coaxed her. After finally coaxing her a little sleepy, the phone rang suddenly.

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