Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 824: None of you can help me

Gu Xiaoxiao disliked the good ones, Chu Yichen felt bitter, but couldn't tell. New and old accounts, only to be settled by Gu Xiaoxiao after one month of "unloading".

It's New Year, everyone is happy. Except for one person.

Bai Mo'er has been frowning since the first two days of the Chinese New Year, and I don't know who provoke her. Even on the New Year's Day, there was no smile on her face.

The atmosphere at home fell into depression because of her emotions. After several days passed, Feng Shengxi was a little worried.

Bai Mo'er was her first child. Although there was a physical defect, that did not stop Feng Shengxi's love for her. Over the years, she has put too much effort on Bai Mo'er, and it is precisely because of this that she cares more about it and is more afraid of losing.

After dinner in the evening, Bai Mo'er greeted a few people blankly, and went back upstairs.

A few days ago, she liked to go out to meet friends and relax, but now, she shuts herself in the room every day, and no one is allowed in, not knowing what she is doing inside.

Feng Shengxi followed her upstairs, and stopped her outside Bai Mo'er's room.

"Mo'er, can you talk to your mother?" Feng Shengxi asked softly, looking down at Bai Mo'er's delicate features.

Shaking his head, Bai Mo'er refused without thinking. "I don't want to talk to you, can I?"


Feng Shengxi was talking, pulling Bai Mo'er's wrist into the room. After closing the door, she took a casual look and saw what was on the bed.

Folder, deja vu.

Bai Mo'er noticed that her vision was wrong, frowned, threw herself on the bed to cover things, and asked loudly, "What are you doing? I don't want to talk to you, why are you forcing me?!"

Feng Shengxi walked to the bed a few steps, and after tearing with Bai Mo'er, he finally got what she was holding. Sure enough, it was the information of Chu Yichen that I saw last time.

Along with Feng Shengxi's movements, some of Chu Yichen's photos were also scattered from the materials to the ground. Feng Shengxi was taken aback, because when she saw it last time, it seemed that there were not so many photos. Did she remember wrong?

"Mo'er, what the **** is going on? You must tell me clearly today."

Throwing the folder aside, Feng Shengxi looked at her crying daughter, and said in a complicated mood.

"Why are you investigating Chu Yichen, did you do something wrong? Don't be afraid, if there is anything you can tell your mom, mom will help you figure out a solution, okay?"

Sitting by the bed, Feng Shengxi tried to calm Bai Mo'er's emotions, but she was rudely pushed away.

"You go, I don't want to tell you! I can't tell anyone, none of you can help me!"

The more Feng Shengxi was like this, the louder Bai Mo'er cried. What would she say? How can she say it?

Seeing Bai Mo'er crying so much, Feng Shengxi was startled.

"Okay, okay, mother won't force you to cry." Feng Shengxi hurriedly comforted the person in her arms. Looking at the photos all over the floor uncomfortably, Feng Shengxi sighed, not knowing what to do.

Bai Mo'er lay on Feng Shengxi's body, crying until she had difficulty breathing. She has been depressed for too long, she needs to vent. But every time she vented her emotions, her heart couldn't bear it. The repeated cycles caused Bai Mo'er to cry, and she couldn't cry happily, which made her feel very aggrieved.

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