Xu Ming recently helped Chu Yichen attend various meetings of various sizes, and the whole person was going crazy. So after learning that Gu Xiaoxiao was hospitalized, he rushed to the hospital and took Chu Yichen to the company without saying anything.

For ten minutes, no matter what Gu Xiaoxiao's reaction is, even if he ran, he still had time.

"How is Mo'er recently?" Gu Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed and chatting with Bai Ziluo. "There is nothing wrong with your body, right?"

"It's not bad, just stay at home quietly and don't make trouble." Bai Ziluo answered truthfully, "In fact, she wanted to come over this time, but I didn't agree."

"No wonder……"

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder she didn't answer when I called her. It turned out to be angry." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled. "You came here to see me?"

"There are still some work matters." Bai Ziluo thought for a while, and then said: "But it's not a case related to Ling Qianyu, that is no longer my control."

"What are you afraid of? I don't ask you about Ling Qianyu." Gu Xiaoxiao saw his worry, and smiled: "I know you people, you can't just say something, right? Don't worry, I Don't ask, I am no longer interested in her affairs."

What Gu Xiaoxiao thinks about every day is the child in her stomach. Her due date is a week later, but Gu Xiaoxiao always feels that the two little guys will run out early, so every day, she is worried.

Chu Xiaoxi was nursing her baby at home and couldn't get away for a while. I have to call Gu Xiaoxiao every few hours, and she is even more nervous than when she was born.

Gu Xiaoxiao Xu is because Bai Ziluo is not Bai Yingjie's biological son, so he is not so repulsive to him. Shen Qianyun came back from outside with the effort of the two talking. After seeing Bai Ziluo, he was taken aback and smiled perfunctorily.

Bai Ziluo stayed in the hospital until Chu Yichen came over from get off work, and then left. Shen Qianyun went back to the apartment next to the company to live in at night, while Chu Yichen stayed with Gu Xiaoxiao in the hospital.

"Yichen, is the company ready to cooperate with Japan?"

Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head, looking at Chu Yichen and asked in confusion.

"Yes." Chu Yichen was looking down at the file, "What's wrong?"

"What kind of project? Can I be responsible for the business there in the future?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him with beaming eyes and asked again.

As soon as Chu Yichen looked up, he saw what she was looking forward to, and smiled helplessly, and he nodded and said okay.

"The contract will be signed next month, and now is the preparation stage. If you are interested, I will bring you the relevant information tomorrow. When you are ready to go back to work, then arrange other tasks for you."

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled openly, but soon she couldn't laugh.

There are two little buns in her belly. When will she have to wait until she returns to work? Therefore, no matter what Chu Yichen promised her now, it is useless!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Child, child, I feel like having a child, the pace of life will slow down. But from other angles, it seems to have improved... It's a complicated feeling.

As the due date is getting closer, Gu Xiaoxiao's mood is getting more and more nervous. As this tension increased, she also felt the changes in her belly.

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