It hurts to numbness and pain to no sense. When Gu Xiaoxiao heard the doctor ask herself whether she wanted to have a son or a daughter, Gu Xiaoxiao answered without thinking, "Son"!

Although it is known that there is a daughter in her belly, at this moment, how much Gu Xiaoxiao hopes she can become a boy. After I grow up, I don’t have to suffer like myself anymore.

The cry of the child resounded through the delivery room.

As soon as the corner of Gu Xiaoxiao's mouth rose, he remembered one thing.

No, I am pregnant with two, there is another...

This feeling of falling from heaven to hell, Gu Xiaoxiao thought, not many people can understand it.

After another painful struggle, the two monkeys finally gave birth, and Gu Xiaoxiao felt like a superman who had saved the earth.

Why is she so good?

Being so ugly tossed by two little bastards, he is still alive...

After the child was sent out, Gu Xiaoxiao was still lying in the operating room because the wound had to be sewn.

At 3:15 in the morning, Gu Xiaoxiao was finally pushed out of the evil operating room. As soon as the door opened, she saw Chu Yichen waiting at the door. My nose was sore and I wanted to cry again.

Back in the ward, Gu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and just wanted to sleep.

Too sleepy, too tired, too uncomfortable, I have never felt so exhausted...

"Did you see the child?" Turning his head, Gu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, looked at Chu Yichen, and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Chu Yichen squatted on the ground and touched her head. "It's crumpled, like a little monkey."

"You are like a monkey... I was born so laboriously, you must not dislike them!"

"Okay, don't dislike it." Chu Yichen smiled and nodded, kissed her on the forehead, and said in a complicated mood: "Thank you baby."

Exhausted, at the moment I saw the child, all seemed to disappear.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the two little guys, as Chu Yichen said, they were wrinkled, like little monkeys. But even so, she still feels so beautiful.

Well, even a monkey is the most beautiful monkey!

Sleeping groggy, waking up groggy. Gu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes again, and there were many people in the room. Chu Xiaoxi also took the little ancestor at home and sat on the sofa waiting for her to wake up.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, she quickly threw the child to An Chenglang.

"Hungry? Do you want to eat?"

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head, looked around, and asked, "Where is the child?"

"Over there, come over right away. I asked the doctor. The baby is in very good condition. Don't worry."

Gu Xiaoxiao's initial expected delivery date was in late April, but because the fetal movement was too obvious, and because he was pregnant with two, he was admitted to the hospital ahead of time. He didn't expect to be so miserable in the end.

Chu Xiaoxi thought it was a particularly happy thing to have twins, but now she is taking care of Xiaoxiao and she has given up that idea.


Ha ha da.

Whoever loves who is pregnant, she should not try!

The baby was sent to her side, and Gu Xiaoxiao squinted at them, forgetting the sins he suffered in the past two days.

This is her child, the child of her and Chu Yichen.

Unspeakable satisfaction and happiness run through Gu Xiaoxiao's body. Gu Xiaoxiao chuckled lightly by poking the little baby's cheek with his finger.

The child's name has already been figured out.

The elder brother is Chu Muqian and the younger sister is Chu Muran.

"Where is Yichen?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked, raising her head.

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