Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 842: Still can't forgive

"What are you in a daze?"

As soon as Chu Xiaoxi walked in, she saw Gu Xiaoxiao sitting on the bed in a daze, holding a little bit in her arms.

Returning to reality from contemplation, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her with a smile and shook her head, slowly got up, put the child in her arms back into the crib, and the two talked softly.

"My brother went to work today?"

"Well, I'm going to work." Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laugh at the picture that Chu Yichen didn't want to get up in the morning and didn't want to go to the company. "The project in the U.S. has opened, and the feedback is very good. The U.K. should start next month. The company and Japan are also discussing cooperation recently. Many things are waiting for him to do. Xu Ming is already busy. Ran away."

"Hey, let me tell you that when you were born that day, my brother was signing outside and his hands were shaking. This is the first time I saw him nervously like that." Chu Xiaoxi said while Chu Yichen was not there. To his embarrassment. "The child sent it out, he took a look at it and let it go, and stood there waiting for you, almost worried."

"He even disliked them for looking too ugly that day, but was later retaliated." Thinking of Chu Muqian peeing on Chu Yichen's face, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing.

The two of you talked badly about Chu Yichen and An Chenglang, unconsciously, time passed very fast.

In addition to normal activities such as drinking milk, several children sleep most of the time. Before it was really tiring, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi could also take this opportunity to take a good rest.

Both of them wore abdomen belts, although they felt uncomfortable every day, they still kept them. As for the effect, Chu Xiaoxi knows that after one month of birth, his belly is almost the same as before.

"Xiao Xiao, I just heard my grandpa and they chat downstairs, as if they were saying...the Bai family wanted to come over."

After talking for a long time, Chu Xiaoxi suddenly said such a sentence carefully.

"I'm expecting it." Gu Xiaoxiao chuckled at the corners of her mouth and smiled, "If the children don't invite them with full moon wine, the Bai family will definitely feel ashamed. But Bai Ziluo is in City B, so Father Bai will It’s not necessarily if they won’t come. And my grandpa and the others are here, they must also know. If you don’t want to embarrass me, you'd better not come."

After giving birth to a child, Gu Xiaoxiao seemed to be able to understand more deeply that Gu Wanting had to protect her mood when she was desperate. Her life only survived at the cost of that person's life. In this way, how can she face Bai Anqing calmly?

She knows that Bai Anqing may really have realized the mistakes of the year and really wants to recognize her as a granddaughter. But some mistakes can be forgiven, and some mistakes are really unforgivable. Whether Gu Xiaoxiao is cruel, or has no conscience, in short, she still does not want to be the granddaughter of the Bai family, and she does not want to call Bai Anqing a grandfather.

"Okay, okay, let's not think about their family." Chu Xiaoxi regretted mentioning the people over there with her, and shook her shoulder and said, "You hurry up and raise your body, I'm almost suffocating recently. Let’s go out to have fun after you finish your confinement. I especially miss Hawaii’s Sunny Beach now. I want to take my kids out to go out. We will come back in two or three months!"

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