Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 846: Gu Xiaoxiao is not a fuel-efficient lamp

Bai Mo'er and Bai Yingjie are angry, but they also know that no one can help her. Regarding Gu Xiaoxiao's question, Bai Yingjie would not give in a step. Now even Bai Anqing is controlled by him, who else can help her speak?

There are too many unhappy emotions in her heart, but fortunately she has the whereabouts of Yang Liu. Therefore, these qi in my heart can finally find someone to vent.

After receiving the call, I learned that Yangliu had returned to Guangzhou. Bai Mo'er asked her to arrest her without saying a word. And after eating dinner the next morning, I went out to see you.

Yang Liu didn't expect that Bai Mo'er would know about it as soon as she came back. It can be seen that she has been looking for herself for a while.

In the hotel room, Yang Liu looked at Bai Mo'er who was displeased, knowing that he would have a hard time today.

Sure enough, after Bai Mo'er strode to Yang Liu, she didn't say anything, and directly raised her hand to give Yang Liu a slap.

Yangliu's face turned away with her movements. Turning her head slowly, she was beaten again at the moment she met Bai Mo'er.

Bai Mo'er didn't show any mercy at all. She looked at Yang Liu intently, then sneered, and asked, "Why, I'm not willing to be beaten? Or not convinced?"

I am afraid that no one in this world will be beaten willingly. Unless, she is cheap. Unfortunately, Yang Liu didn't think he was that kind of person.

"Is the picture cool? Huh? Dare to threaten me to blackmail me, Yang Liu, I think you are tired and crooked?" Bai Mo'er grabbed Yang Liu's hair and looked at her coldly. "Where have you been in the past few months? Do you still have other pictures of Gu Xiaoxiao? Where are you? Hand it over!"

"No, nothing." Yang Liu stared back at Bai Mo'er blankly, "You don't need to ask for it, the thing was taken away by the man named Chu long ago."

Bai Mo'er's eyes flashed, is she talking about Chu Yichen? !

"Have you been arrested by him in the past few months?" she questioned, and after seeing Yang Liu nodding, she suddenly became uneasy. "What did he ask you? Did you talk about the relationship with me?!"

Bai Mo'er was particularly worried and afraid, her reaction was so obvious that people could see it at a glance.

"I was arrested by him and it was correct, and I couldn't do this again in the future. He didn't ask me anything, but he knew everything, so he didn't have to ask me."

Yang Liu's words made Bai Mo'er more and more apprehensive.

"There should be a lot of people who know you and me? He wants to know that they can be found. And that Gu Xiaoxiao is not a fuel-efficient lamp, you think you let me get close to seduce her husband, she will do nothing Do you know? Maybe Chu Yichen found out about me, and she had a contribution to her."

As soon as Yangliu's voice fell, Bai Mo'er waved her hand again. Her slap was so severe that Yang Liu's nose was bleeding.

Yang Liu's hands and feet were tied, she couldn't resist, she could only let Bai Mo'er do whatever she wanted.

"You tell her to try again?!" Bai Mo'er's eyes showed coldness, and Yang Liu was a little daunted when she looked at it. But apart from being afraid, she is more unwilling and resentful!

To be honest, her life in the past few months has not been difficult at all. Although Bai Mo'er's salary was more attractive before, but now it seems that she might as well not earn the money!

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