Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 848: The two most want to see are here

Bai Mo'er's tears all came down, and Bai Anqing didn't know what was going on, so she was wronged like this.

"I, I went out to meet my friends today, they asked me if Sister Xiao Xiao belonged to our family, and asked me if I had seen her children, why not go to see her in B city. Grandpa, I want to go to B city, you Will you take me over?!"

Bai Mo'er couldn't cry, Bai Anqing patted her back, comforted her over and over again not to cry, and if there is anything to say.

"Grandpa, shall we sneak away? We will leave today while Dad is away." Lifting her head, Bai Mo'er suggested in a low voice. "As long as we see the sister and the child, we will come back soon!"

Bai Mo'er said that Bai Anqing was moved, frowning at her, and also considering whether this suggestion was feasible.

"I've been to City B and know where she lives. We can book the hotel first. As long as we get there, my sister won't miss us!"

"But in case..."

"Grandpa, don't you want to see those two kids? I saw it last time in the video with my sister. They are super cute and beautiful!"

Holding Bai Anqing, Bai Mo'er tried hard to convince him. As long as Bai Anqing frowned, she would cry. After repeated several times, Bai Anqing nodded.

"Don't cry when you are done, go back to the house and pack your things, and grandpa will take you there."

Bai Mo'er was happy, and her eyes brightened. "Grandpa doesn't lie to me?"

"What lie to you, go and pack your bags."

After hearing this, Bai Mo'er turned around and left without saying anything. Going back to the room quickly, she took a steady breath, humming a little song in her mouth, and began to pack her clothes.

Bai Anqing also moved quickly, and after two phone calls, she left with Bai Mo'er. Feng Shengxi couldn't stop it either, let alone she didn't dare to stop Bai Anqing. So, when Bai Yingjie arrived home at night, the two people were no longer at home.

Knowing that the two had gone to City B, Bai Yingjie looked at Feng Shengxi with a cold face and asked, "How can you let them go?"

"Dare I stop?!" Feng Shengxi asked back.

"Then why don't you call me?"

"What's the use of calling you? Everyone is gone!" Feng Shengxi was also in a bad mood, "Do you think I want them to go? You are busy outside all day and don't know anything, just come back. I yell! What's the use of yelling with me?"

When he threw the chopsticks on the table, Feng Shengxi lost his mind to eat. After looking at Bai Yingjie, she strode upstairs. At a huge dining table, only Bai Yingjie was sitting there alone.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chu Yichen received a call from Bai Yingjie. Bai Yingjie rarely called him, so after Chu Yichen saw it, he subconsciously felt that it should not be a good thing.

Sure enough, after hearing Bai Yingjie say that Bai Anqing and Bai Mo'er had come to City B, Chu Yichen pressed his temple with a headache.

The two people I didn't want to see came over together, it was really troublesome.

"Don't let Xiaoxiao know about this matter for the time being, and don't let people on the Gu family know about it. I will find a time to go there these two days, and then contact me again.

"It's all here, is there any way to stop those two people?"

Chu Yichen's words may not sound good, but it cannot be denied that what he said is the truth.

When asked about the departure time of the two, Chu Yichen felt that they should be in City B now.

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