Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 850: I want to run far, so you can't find it

Gu Xiaoxiao blushed and hit him.

"You are the child! Childish, let me down!"

Chu Yichen was also obedient, and quickly let go of her, but she was placed on the bed.

Turning off the headlights, leaving only a dim light beside the bed, Chu Yichen hugged her and didn't let go. Touched her lower abdomen, frowned and said, "Don't wear that belly belt tomorrow, it's so uncomfortable to be strangled."

"No, you have to wear it!" Gu Xiaoxiao refused happily, "I don't want to be a big belly, or you will despise me in the future!"

"Nonsense, how come."

"Yes." Gu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said melancholy: "When I get older, there are wrinkles on my face, and my belly grows bigger, you won't like me anymore."

"Then you are older, what about me?"

"The bigger the man, the more attractive! And if you have money, there will surely be a lot of beautiful girls coming. Humph, I'm afraid my life will not be easy then~"

Listening to Gu Xiaoxiao's teeth grinding, Chu Yichen couldn't help but laugh. Is this a TV series recently? Or did Bai Mo'er instill some strange thoughts?

"I gave you all my money. There is no money left. You are worth more than me now. I want to guard against those ugly young people."

When Chu Yichen said ugly, Gu Xiaoxiao thought of Su Zuonan. Because Chu Yichen used this word to describe him recently...

Looking up at Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao pinched his cheek with one hand, poke his nose with the other, and whispered: "If you like others in the future, I will never pay attention to you again. I will run away. Yes, run to a place you can't find, and then curse you every day to become an ugly monster like a pig. Oh, by the way, I want to take the child away, not to you."

"Wouldn't it be better to live than to die." Chu Yichen smiled and kissed her. "Don't think about it. Although there are many people named Gu Xiaoxiao in this world, I only love you. I don't want anyone but you, you know?"

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't answer, but climbed onto Chu Yichen.

Chu Yichen looked at her with raised brows, wondering what she wanted to do. When Gu Xiaoxiao lowered his head to kiss him, he was also unprepared.

The unskilled kiss made Chu Yichen react with ease. The little thing was playing with fire, and Chu Yichen knew after she raised her head and saw the flash of smile in her eyes.

"Relying on the fact that I just gave birth to a baby, I dare not take you whatsoever?"

"You just don't dare to do anything to me!" Gu Xiaoxiao said with a smirk, but when he turned over and pressed himself under him, he was still shocked.

"You...what do you want to do?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked with a guilty conscience, looking at him with blinking eyes.

"I think so." Chu Yichen smiled and deliberately misrepresented her question. "I can't do anything to you now. After two months, will it be all right every day?"

"My husband, I was wrong, let's go to sleep, you have to go to work tomorrow to make money!"

every day? Oh, kill her.

"Oh, you are the best, what can we discuss later, okay?"

Pushing Chu Yichen onto the bed, Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and acted coquettishly.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy, and my head is so dizzy, I really want to sleep."

"The acting is so bad, only I will believe you." Chu Yichen got up and put out the lights and hugged her to sleep.

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