Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 857: Bai Mo'er, do you like me?

Bai Anqing saw Gu Xiaoxiao and her two children today and was in a very good mood. Leaving a gift before leaving, holding Bai Mo'er's hand, he left happily. But Bai Mo'er's mood is completely different.

Out of the door, walking to the car, Chu Yichen took the initiative to open the door for her and stuffed her into the co-pilot's seat. Then he turned around to open the door to Bai Anqing, and then walked to the other side by himself, all the movements were like flowing water, and it was hard to see any flaws.

Bai Mo'er held the seat belt tightly with both hands, listening to Bai Anqing and Chu Yichen talking and chatting, thinking about what he had just done, and wondering what he meant by letting himself sit in front.

Bai Mo'er wanted to approach him, but she didn't dare to approach him. Along the way, she cautiously looked ahead, and tried her best to aim at Chu Yichen with her left light.

The car moved quickly on the road, and soon arrived at the hotel where Bai Mo'er was staying. Opening the door and getting out of the car, Chu Yichen said goodbye to Bai Anqing. When Bai Mo'er wanted to walk with Bai Anqing, he held her shoulder.

"Me and Mo'er have something to say." Chu Yichen smiled and said after seeing Bai Anqing's puzzled gaze, "Xiao Xiao explained."

"Oh, then I'll go up first." When referring to Gu Xiaoxiao, Bai Anqing has nothing to doubt. Turning and striding away, the two lovely babies were still thinking of the two cute babies in his mind, and he didn't pay much attention to Bai Mo'er's uncomfortable expression.

After Bai Anqing left, Chu Yichen pushed Bai Mo'er back into the car.

He sat in the driving position, locked the car door, and then turned his head to look at Bai Mo, who was clinging to the car door and dared not look at him.

"Just at home, you heard the conversation between Xiaoxiao and I, right?" Chu Yichen asked straightforwardly. Seeing Bai Mo'er shook his head to deny, he chuckled.

"Do you like me?"

"What?!" Bai Mo'er looked at Chu Yichen incredulously, unable to believe her ears.

How could he ask such a question? Did he find anything?

Seeing her reaction, Chu Yichen became even more sure of what was in her heart.

Over the years, many people like him. So Chu Yichen understood very well what those women's reactions were when they saw him.

No matter how careful Bai Mo'er was to cover it up, she looked at her eyes differently. Chu Yichen didn't even dare to believe his guess at first, but when the frequency increased, he had to doubt it.

"Do you like it? Or not?" Seeing Bai Mo'er not speaking, he asked again.

"Are you crazy? You are my brother-in-law, how could I like you?" When Chu Yichen saw it, Bai Mo'er sternly shouted.

"is it?"

Chu Yichen smiled evilly, and that smile made Bai Mo'er's eyes unable to move.

Leaning forward, Chu Yichen approached her. Bai Mo'er drew back subconsciously, but behind the car door, she couldn't hide.

His breath was approaching, Bai Mo'er looked at the beautiful and flawless face close at hand, and unconsciously held his breath, his face flushed.

"You don't like me, why are you blushing?" Chu Yichen squinted his eyes, looked at her up close, and said word by word: "I think you are the one who is crazy."

He took his hand and sat down again, Chu Yichen felt particularly irritable.

If it was another woman sitting in front of me, not Bai Mo'er who made Gu Xiaoxiao pay attention. That matter is much simpler.

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