Seeing that the child is healthy now, Gu Xiaoxiao has no problems at all. Of course, Chu Yichen would like to thank Su Qian for his advice and help.

"I won't go there for Xiaoxiao." Raising the glass in his hand, Su Qian smiled, "Call if something happens."

"Okay, thanks."

Su Qian didn't want Gu Xiaoxiao to think of any bad depressive memories when she saw herself. So I showed up, and after seeing Chu Yichen, I stayed away.

The Bai family also attended the dinner today, but Bai Anqing did not come, and Bai Yingjie did not show up either. Bai Ziluo and Bai Mo'er came.

Gu Hongcheng and others didn't know these two children, so everything was in peace. The atmosphere was harmonious and pleasant until the banquet was over. Gu Xiaoxiao returned home, took off her high heels, stretched her waist and collapsed on the bed.

She lay down for a while, and Chu Xiaoxi came to talk to her. Chu Xiaoxi will return to Guangzhou with An Chenglang tomorrow, and I don't know when they will be back.

"When can you come back?" Gu Xiaoxiao leaned close to Chu Xiaoxi and asked with frowning.

"It will take a month or two. The relatives over there haven't seen him much. It's really troublesome." Chu Xiaoxi felt a headache when he thought of the next trip. "If you are bored at home, go find me to play?"

"What a joke, should I drag two soy sauce bottles to Guangzhou to get soy sauce?" Gu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes weakly, "If I am bored, I will take my child to work in the company. But I think I should I don’t have the time and energy."

As children grow up, they will spend less and less time sleeping. The energy and time required for adults will definitely increase accordingly. Gu Xiaoxiao is very melancholy now, she doesn't know what to do to be a competent mother.

What should I do when my child is crying? Huh?

What should I do when my child has trouble? Training?

This is a new course. Gu Xiaoxiao feels that she is like a primary school student who just started elementary school. Everything needs to be learned from the beginning, and she is not sure whether she will receive an excellence award or fail in the end.

"By the way, I have to go back to school to defend in a few days, what do you do?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked quickly after thinking of one thing. Seeing Chu Xiaoxi's confused look, she knew that this person had forgotten the matter of the reply...

"Yes, I have to reply, what should I do?" If Gu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, Chu Xiaoxi had already forgotten that he was still a student. She is still a fresh college student, how can she become a child's mother? !

The gap between ideal and reality was too big, so Chu Xiaoxi was a little unacceptable for a while.

After getting up and looking for An Chenglang, the two studied the itinerary and decided to change the day.

The life was busy and fulfilling, Bai Mo'er returned to Guangzhou on the second day of the child's full moon banquet. She left without even saying hello to Gu Xiaoxiao, which made Gu Xiaoxiao feel that something was wrong.

After Bai Mo'er left, Gu Hongcheng and Gu Ran would also return to the United States. Gu Xiaoxiao felt that the number of relatives around him suddenly became less, and felt a little disappointed in her heart. But fortunately, there are children, filling the vacancy in her heart.

This day, Gu Xiaoxiao was sitting on the bed, staring at them with the two little guys in front of him. The more they looked, the more interesting they became.

Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand what they were saying. Therefore, her ability to talk to herself now has become quite superb.

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