Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 862: All roads lead to Rome

After hearing Feng Shengxi's words, Bai Mo'er still had no response. Upon seeing this, Feng Shengxi said softly.

"Did something happen in City B? It has something to do with those two people?"

Staring closely at Bai Mo'er's expression change, Feng Shengxi knew that he was right.

Those two people...

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen...

Thinking of what Chu Yichen said to herself that night, Bai Mo'er couldn't help but shed tears.

"Mom, am I really that annoying?" Bai Mo'er slowly turned to look at Feng Shengxi, Bai Mo'er could not cry. "I didn't think about what to do, but even if I didn't do anything, I was still disliked. Can't I really like him? I just want to like him, and I won't compete with my sister."

Looking at Feng Shengxi with teary eyes, Bai Mo'er felt that she was already a bad person in Chu Yichen's eyes. And she didn't dare to go to Gu Xiaoxiao again. If Gu Xiaoxiao knew about it, she would definitely not pay attention to her again.

"Who said you hate it?" Feng Shengxi asked softly after taking the tissue and gently wiping the tears on Bai Mo'er's face. It is rare that Bai Mo'er opened her mouth and was willing to talk to herself, so she had to chat with her a few more words.

"No one said, but looking at him, you just hate me." Bai Mo'er shook his head, Chu Yichen's appearance emerged in his mind. "I like my sister so much, how could it hurt her. Why would he miss me so? Mom, don't you know that the two little babies of my sister are very beautiful and very similar to her. She has a very happy life now, my brother-in-law is very special Love her..."

"Okay, okay, I know, stop talking."

Touching Bai Mo'er's sweating forehead, Feng Shengxi interrupted her.

From the lines of Bai Mo'er's words, Feng Shengxi already understood a little.

Someone must have said something to Mo'er, that's why she was so sad and blamed herself. It was the first time she was so sad when she grew up. Feng Shengxi couldn't help but feel distressed and angry.

It's just a child. Is it necessary to say such heavy words? Bai Mo'er's condition, everyone over there also knows. I don't want the consequences and talk nonsense. If Mo'er has a long and two shortcomings, can they be responsible?

Feng Shengxi knew that Bai Mo'er had done something wrong, but after all, it was the meat that fell from her body. Bai Mo'er cried, and she felt more sad than anyone else.

This is the first time that Bai Mo'er likes a person, and she never expected it to be so tragic.

"Mo'er won't cry anymore. If you feel uncomfortable, tell your mother. There is no outsider here. You can say anything." Wiping Bai Mo'er's tears and sweat, Feng Shengxi said with a forced smile: "You cry every day. It's uncomfortable, and your body won't get better. You start from tomorrow, eat well, and when the rise is back to 80 catties, your mother will take you out to play. Which country do you like?"

"You lie, you must take me to the doctor again."

"Don't lie to you, we will travel and travel the world. We will go wherever you like!"

"Then I want to go to Rome."

"Rome?" Feng Shengxi was surprised that Bai Mo'er would say such a place name. "why?"

"Because everyone says that all roads lead to Rome, I want to go and see what is good there."

Amused by her words, Feng Shengxi nodded, "Okay, then we'll go to Rome. You eat well this month, as long as you get better, your mother will take you away immediately!"

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