When he walked out of the room, Feng Shengxi looked around, and after seeing no one was around, he dialed a number.

The phone rang a few times and the other party answered. After Feng Shengxi confessed a few words to the other party, he nodded to confirm.

"Yes, it will be done within a week. Remember that you will go there in person, and no discrepancies are allowed. Money or anything is not a problem. I will give it to you when I get back."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, but still agreed.

"The rest will wait for you to go to City B, and we will contact you again."

After speaking the last sentence, Feng Shengxi hung up and went back to the room. Bai Yingjie was still taking a shower. She glanced at the direction of the bathroom, went to bed and turned on the TV, and waited for Bai Yingjie to arrive without saying a word.

Seeing her angry, Bai Yingjie stopped talking. He dried his hair and went to bed. After watching TV with Feng Shengxi for a while, he spoke.

"I don't want to quarrel with you about Xiaoxiao anymore. I am really busy at work recently. Before you leave, I will take a day off to stay with Mo'er at home."

"Whatever you want." Feng Shengxi's mood did not improve because of Bai Yingjie's words, "Anyway, I can coax Mo'er well without you."

If we continue to talk, it will be the rhythm of the fight again. Bai Yingjie looked at her and said nothing more.

Drinking in a daze, he lay down to sleep. Feng Shengxi waited for him to fall asleep, then turned to look at him, eyes full of gloom.

Gu Xiaoxiao's heart has been particularly flustered recently, and she doesn't know what's going on, anyway, sometimes her heart beats so fast, even her eyelids join in the fun.

Is it because you haven't had a good rest recently?

Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously and found it possible. Recently, I have to work and have children, which is really a lot of toss. After only two months, the weight returned to before pregnancy.

After dinner in the evening, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen took their children and took a walk outside. It's almost May, and the weather is getting warmer, so I can often take two babies out for a ride.

After walking for almost half an hour, I returned home. Gu Xiaoxiao was awkward with Chu Yichen while lying on the bed. As for the reason, Chu Yichen just said something wrong.

"You're okay." Gu Xiaoxiao said with a flat mouth held in his arms by Chu Yichen, and his head swayed back and forth to prevent him from pinching his face.

"What's wrong with my husband?" Chu Yichen laughed lightly while looking at the trouble. "I gave you all the delicious food, isn't it okay? The chicken legs in the past are all mine."

"You grabbed Xiao Xi's food to eat?! Shameless!" Gu Xiaoxiao continued to frown with a cold snort.

"Life is so slow."

"Huh?" Looking up, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know why he said such a sentence. "Slow? I think it's fast."

Chu Yichen shook his head sadly, and sighed in a low voice: "It's only been two months. I checked it on the Internet and said it would take three months."

Gu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then slowly understood what he meant. I was so embarrassed that I sat up, hammered him, and cursed "rascal"!

Chu Yichen smiled and drew the person back, hugged him in his arms, whispering softly. Unruly, his hand peeked into Gu Xiaoxiao's clothes and gradually moved down.


Gu Xiaoxiao's breathing was a little bit cramped, and she was lying blushing under him when she was kissed, and she glanced worriedly in the direction of the crib.

"Stop it, what should I do to wake them up?"

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