The child cried suddenly, and the whole family was helpless. I had no choice but to take it to the hospital. But after seeing the doctor, there were no problems.

Looking at the teary little guy in his arms, Gu Xiaoxiao felt distressed.

"Stop crying, okay? Why do you want to tell me! I will cry if you continue to cry!"

There was no way to use them, Gu Xiaoxiao jumped in a hurry. After returning to the house, they coaxed again, and the two gradually settled down. But the premise is that Gu Xiaoxiao can't move, they will cry as long as they get up and drink some water.

"It's not good to be so clingy, so you let me stay with you all the time, not going anywhere?"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the two little things impeccably, and sighed.

"Then I'm not going anywhere, just watching you here. So don't cry, please."

I beg grandpa to tell grandma, it was already eleven o'clock without knowing it. Gu Xiaoxiao was exhausted, lying on the bed to read company documents, glanced at the children aside from time to time, hoping that they could go to bed earlier.

Chu Yichen called back at noon and asked about the child. Knowing that I stopped crying and making trouble, I felt relieved and continued to work in the afternoon.

For several days, the two children cried when they got up in the morning, and they had to coax them for a while. So Gu Xiaoxiao's daily morning exercise is to put down this and hug that, and feed that to coax this.

"Why did you come down? The child is asleep?"

Shen Qianyun was standing in the yard drying the sheets, watching Gu Xiaoxiao walk out while stretching, asking worriedly.

"Sleep." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, walked to her, and asked doubtfully: "Grandma, did I make people so troublesome when I was a kid? Then you are tired?"

"You were obedient when you were young." Shen Qianyun smiled and patted her hand. "The child is still young, and it will be fine after a while."

"But I am worried that if I cry like this, I have the potential to become a bear child."

The child can be spoiled, but not used to it. Gu Xiaoxiao didn't want to raise two bear children by herself, so she had already decided before she had a baby, and she must not be soft in the future. You should train when you need to train and fight when you need to fight.

After chatting with Shen Qianyun for a while and basking in the sun for a while, Gu Xiaoxiao returned to the room to see that they were still asleep, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The phone on the sofa buzzed and vibrated, and Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at it. It was a company phone.

Going to the corridor and picking it up in a low voice, Gu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and replied: "The driver is not there, then I will send it to you now. It will be there in about half an hour."

I didn't live in the old house, and I was closer to the company. Gu Xiaoxiao ran to the study to find what they wanted, and then hurried back to the room to take a look.

Under normal circumstances, Dabao and Erbao sleep between two to three hours. So she will go to the company and come back now. Time is completely in time.

"Grandma, I'll go to the company once, and I'll be back soon. You and Aunt Zhang will help me stare at the child." After taking the documents, Gu Xiaoxiao said while changing shoes. "If you have milk, you will have it in the refrigerator. Just heat it up. I'll deliver something soon."

"Then be careful on the road and don't drive too fast."

"Don't worry, I have always been known for driving slowly, so I can't get up soon."

Taking the car key and hurried out, Gu Xiaoxiao headed towards the company. Shun Shunli went to the company, and after handing in the documents, she also visited a class by the way.

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