This photo cannot be real.

This photo must be fake.

Gu Xiaoxiao knew this very well, but...she was still uncomfortable.

Do these **** have a bottom line? How can you do everything to make money?

Gu Xiaoxiao never thought that Chu Yichen would betray him, nor did he believe that he would. What's more, the other party is Bai Mo'er.

Gu Xiaoxiao thought it was funny, but she couldn't laugh. She knew that the unscrupulous media would make a fuss about this photo, and once it was released, it would definitely cause waves. No matter what the facts are, some people just trust their eyes. What they see is such a photo, and they will believe in their hearts that this is the truth.

Just when Gu Xiaoxiao's hand was shaking, the other party quickly sent two more photos. The protagonists in the photo are Chu Yichen and Bai Mo'er.

It was in the evening, Gu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and knew what day this happened.

Bai Mo'er and Bai Anqing went to see the children in Chu House that day, and Chu Yichen sent them back. Both of them have serious expressions on the photo. What happened? Why would Chu Yichen act like that?

Gu Xiaoxiao's mind was a little messy, she worked hard to calm herself down. Unfortunately, the effect was minimal.

Just when Gu Xiaoxiao was entangled, whether he wanted to call, temporarily stabilize these reporters, or call Chu Yichen to let him deal with this matter, Shen Qianyun's call came in.

The child woke up, crying heartbreakingly. Gu Xiaoxiao could hear the child's crying from the phone. She felt so nervous that she couldn't take care of that much, so she threw the phone aside and stepped on the gas to go home.

Go to his photo to his reporter, no one is less important than her child!

The roads that should have been congested are inexplicably smooth today. Gu Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood because of the photos and the children at home. She just wanted to go home quickly, so even the big car that was rushing towards her behind did not have the intention to notice...

The moment the car was rear-end collision, Gu Xiaoxiao's head hit the steering wheel unsuspectingly.

The car ran into the side of the road out of control, and the sky was suddenly dark.

pain……! !

The warm blood ran down from the forehead and into the eyes.

The pungent smell of gasoline made her hold her breath.

Gu Xiaoxiao tried to sit up straight, and wanted to release the seat belt. But before her eyes became completely dark, she did nothing...

Child, she wants to go home quickly. Her children are still waiting for her.

Photos are all deceptive. She don't want to believe those.

She has a grandma who loves her the most in the world, and a husband who loves her most. The best friend who knows her best, the smartest and cute baby.

She... she doesn't lack anything... but she, how can she keep these...

Two ten in the afternoon. Inside the office building of Fengyang Group.

The large conference room on the 16th floor is holding a monthly group meeting. Chu Yichen leaned back in his chair, listening to each of them, occasionally taking two notes.

The silent mobile phone was placed on the table and suddenly shook. Chu Yichen frowned slightly and glanced at it, surprised that it was actually Shen Qianyun's number.

Inexplicably, there was a bad feeling in his heart, because Shen Qianyun rarely contacted him on weekdays. And even if Xiao Xiao was at home, even if something happened, Xiao Xiao should call.

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