Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 874: It won't be her, it can't be her!

"The body of the deceased has been sent away, and the two injured are in the hospital..."

"Which hospital?!" Chu Yichen asked eagerly, and after getting an answer, he hurriedly turned and left.

Anxious, but because of this car accident, the situation on the road was blocked and blocked.

The car moved forward with difficulty, and Chu Yichen held the steering wheel tightly, his palms sweaty. Han Yi called in after a while and told him some information he wanted to know before.

"Yichen, I have about ten minutes to get to the hospital. Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as I have any news."

From the moment he received Chu Yichen's call, Han Yi realized the troubles of the matter. After asking the transportation department, he felt that something was wrong. So he hurried out and went to the hospital.

No one wants things to be what they imagined, but sometimes things just... just fail.

The body was burned beyond recognition in the fire, but based on the items left on the car and the woman's body shape, one could guess whether she was the person they were looking for.

Han Yi's mind went blank, he agreed to Chu Yichen, as long as he got the news, he would notify him immediately. But in this case, how should he say it?

"Is your identity confirmed?"

Seeing the forensic doctor walking towards him, Han Yi asked in a low voice.

The middle-aged woman shook her head in embarrassment, "The DNA has been extracted successfully, but the test results have to wait two hours."

All signs indicate that the person in the car is Gu Xiaoxiao. Han Yi looked back at the corpse in the morgue, his heart hanging in the air, unable to say a word.

Yichen, Yichen, what should he do...

Han Yi stood in the corridor with his head down for a long time. An hour later, Chu Yichen finally appeared in the hospital.

Han Yi didn't know how many phone calls he made to himself, he didn't dare to see it, let alone answer it.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching quickly, he stopped in front of him. Han Yi pursed his somewhat dry lips and looked up at him.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and Han Yi met Chu Yichen's expectant gaze, making it more difficult to speak.

"Wait a minute, the DNA test result hasn't come out yet." Hanging his head, Han Yi stopped talking. "The corpse was burned, so I can't tell the identity. But Xiaoxiao's bag..."

"It won't be hers." Interrupting Han Yi, Chu Yichen walked to the other end of the corridor and stood against the wall.

His voice was cold, but firm enough. "It can't be hers."

Chu Yichen's words are more like self-hypnosis than sophistry. Han Yi glanced at him, not knowing what else to say.

If you put a mirror here now, then Chu Yichen would definitely see the panic on his face. Han Yi has known him for too many years, and they have been friends since they were playing together naked. Therefore, under the illusion of Chu Yichen's composure, Han Yi could see what kind of fear it was.

Gu Xiaoxiao is too important to him, and he must not be able to accept what happened today.

Thinking about the two children in the family, Han Yi felt that God's joke was a bit big.

Their happiness has just begun, how can it end so quickly?

Time passed slowly, and the corridor was exceptionally quiet. Chu Yichen remained silent, waiting for the forensic doctor to give him a result.

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