Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 876: Xiaoxiao... she is no longer there.

A few minutes after driving out, he stopped by the road. I don't know what happened. After about ten minutes, the car started up again. And this road, until the place of the incident, did not stop.

The last surveillance picture was one kilometer away from the location of the incident. It was taken by the last camera, and it can be seen from the screen that the person sitting in the driving seat is her.

Han Yi drove Chu Yichen home, instead of returning to his old house or new home, he returned to the apartment near his company.

No one specifically spread the news of Gu Xiaoxiao's accident, but everyone who should know knew the first time.

Guangzhou, Anzhai. When Chu Xiaoxi saw An Chenglang come back with a gloomy face and told her to pack up and return to City B, he knew something was wrong.

"Didn't you just go back next month? What's wrong?"

An Chenglang took out the suitcase and stuffed things inside. Seeing his behavior, Chu Xiaoxi was very flustered.

"An Chenglang, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me."

Throwing the clothes in his hand into the box, An Chenglang raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him, and said a few words with difficulty.

"Xiao Xiao had a car accident."

The milk bottle in Chu Xiaoxi's hand fell to the ground with a snap and broke.

"How is she? When did it happen? Is she still in the hospital? Is it serious?"

A series of questions came out of Chu Xiaoxi's mouth, but they couldn't get a single answer.

"What do I want to say to you! What happened to Xiaoxiao? Yes, call my brother, he must know!"

Recovering suddenly, Chu Xiaoxi turned to look for the phone, but An Chenglang stopped him.

Hugging her from behind her, An Chenglang hugged her tightly, and then whispered: "Xiao Xiao, she... is no longer there."

"You TM fart! An Chenglang who do you curse?!" Chu Xiaoxi yelled, freeing himself from his arms.

Swearing on his mouth, but panicking in his heart. An Chenglang is not stupid, he is not mentally retarded, he can't say that for no reason. Chu Xiaoxi knew all this very well, but still couldn't accept it.

"Xiao Xi, now is not the time to cry, Mu Qian Muran is not taken care of at home, we must go back immediately."

An Chenglang's expression also looked particularly ugly. He called Chu Yichen, but Chu Yichen didn't answer it. I called Xu Ming again to find out what was going on.

Hearing what An Chenglang said, Chu Xiaoxi quickly wiped away tears. She wanted to pack her luggage, but she took a step forward and almost fell to the ground with her legs soft. Fortunately, An Chenglang quickly supported her with his hands.

There was deathly silence in the room, I packed my things, took the kids, and hurried to the airport. The plane arrived in City B at 1:30 in the morning, and Han Yi came to pick them up.

Han Yi is the person who knows the ins and outs of things best. After An Chenglang asked the details, his brows frowned, and Chu Xiaoxi in the back seat was already crying.

Shen Qianyun fainted in the hospital, Yao Muqing took care of the two children at home. Chu Mingyuan had already rushed back from the UK, and Chu Yichen remained. Since Han Yi sent him back to the apartment in the afternoon, he has not been seen again.

Back to Chu's house, before entering the hall, Chu Xiaoxi heard the child crying outside the door. Walking inside with tears, after seeing Yao Muqing sitting on the sofa holding the child with red eyes, Chu Xiaoxi's emotions collapsed.

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